Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thank you... my sweet sister who came over today to do some belly shots. She has a great eye, and got some great shots. Of course, I don't like myself in too many and am way critical of myself, so you just get my belly tonight (all you other moms out there that have "complained" to know who you are...I completely understand the nit picking on oneself!!!! ;) ) Anyways, my girls did great, they look gorgeous, and although I am posting in black and whites, their eyes are so sparkly in the color shots.

Not only did my sister play photographer today, she also played painter! Monday I painted Cakes room (one wall) a super cool pink that matches her bedding. Today I painted her headboard white, and my sister then painted the dresser super bright green! Very excited to see it all put together! Thanks Nicole for all of your help! Does it sound like I am nesting?? Yes, it should. I still have so much to do. Projects now, cleaning next!

On to the images...

This is what I see looking down...
Doesn't look that big to me, to warrant all the beautiful comments I have received. You know the ones, "Whoa, are you sure you aren't having twins?", "You look like you are about to have the baby today!", and the one that I often hear, and know that there is no harm in asking and usually is made because I am obviously pregnant, "How much longer do you have?" To my ears, I hear, "HOLY COW! You are huge, how much longer can you possibly have?!?!?!?!?!" So my usual response is, "7 weeks (change the number to fit), I know, I am very large. This is how I carry my babies. (Force a smile!)" I have decided that I will always tell any pregnant woman, "You look beautiful/great/fabulous." And then I will proceed with the normal pregnancy questions. Aren't those the things you want to hear at this stage in pregnancy anyways?!?!?!?

And then today, I saw it first hand...the reason I get all the questions...they are legit, after seeing these...

Bean giving the baby a hug...

...loved both expressions so I couldn't pick which to post!

Cakes daily hug to the baby...

...again, unable to pick because I loved both faces!

A little bit of an artsy one...whoa, big belly!

A classic...

Bean on the left and Cakes on the right...they love feeling my belly. Bean will often feel it and say, "This has to be something. Has to be a knee or a butt Mom." She is right, it is something! :)

Love the expressions caught in this sweet little girls.

Okay, that is all. I do have more to post. More of Miss KJ, more of my girls...did their Christmas session in their fancy dresses this week (story behind that one!), and I have a fun little 2 year old girl session Saturday that I am so excited for!

P.S. I love Thanksgiving, I am not skipping over it I promise...but it is NEVER to early to decorate for Christmas...hence the new colors! :)


Lindsay Wells said...

Those are beautiful!!! I love them great job Aunt C.

hudson6803 said...

I'm guessing I'm one of the complainers you referred to. :) NOW you get it! And I'm not lying when I say that I do think you look wonderful! People just don't know what to say sometimes. One day I'd get "wow, you must be due any minute" then the next I'd get "so, what are you, like 5 months?"

B-Mama said...

T, these are just beautiful!! And YOU are beautiful, prego mama!! I know it is so easy to be critical of oneself at this point in the pregnancy, but just know you'll be back in your old skin soon... with a precious baby in tow! What a gift it really is!! :) Take heart that your belly the third time around is gorgeous--no stretch marks! Not many women can boast of that, right?! Silver lining. :)

I just love all the shots--maybe you should hire your sister? She caught some great ones! The girls are beyond beautiful. Hugs and prayers for a blessed Thanksgiving!!

Em said...

cute cute cute!!!! love these! your girls are so cute... I almost asked you if you wanted to stop by the studio for some of those! But your sister did a fantastic job!

Diana said...

You look absolutely beautiful and I'm not just saying that to be nice! I can sympathize with you on how you carry a pregnancy. I was/am the same way! I gained 27 lbs with B, but I looked HUGE! I looked like a gigantic apple! LOL

All of your pics are gorgeous. I especially like the one looking down - a mother's persective :)

Wishing you the best with the rest of your pregnancy and a happy thanksgiving!

T. Armstrong said...

Thank you all for your sweetness!

Yes, Tara, you were one! But, you aren't the only one!!!!

B-Mama...I did a pretty decent job of editing out the stretch marks...wish I could claim that I didn't have any...but they come with the territory...and I do love them all!

Emily, I thought about asking you or Tara to do a few, but it is such a busy time of year that I had to do it on a whim...thanks for your thoughtfulness though! :)

And Diana, I saw you prego...and you were beautiful! :)

Thanks again sweet self esteem went up a notch today! ;) I do love being pregnant and will miss the waddling walk that I get at the end of the night, the kicks and tumbles that keep me awake, and the helpfulness of my garbage man yesterday...bless his heart!

Tara Zornow, Southeast Michigan Photographer said...

Gorgeous Mama! Nicole has quite the eye, she did a great job and you look beautiful, not big at all. I would have been happy to do some for you anytime.

T. Armstrong said...

Thanks Tara...I know you would have done them also...but like I said with it being so busy, I needed to be able to do it on a whim! Thanks for your sweetness and willingness though! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi T, the pics are just too precious!!! I love em! You are one beautiful mama and we can't wait to meet the little one soon. :) I hope you had a nice weekend.

Anonymous said...

AWESOME.. well worth the wait!! :)