Friday, February 29, 2008

Fun Day...

Shooting pics of a very special friend's daughter. What a beautiful little girl...9 months old. Such a sweet smile, temperament and flat out adorable. I had tons of fun, and hope to have a sneak peek up sometime this weekend! Thanks for the great day Melissa!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


All pregnant women! I am searching for a pregnant woman who is willing to give up about an hour or so of time and willing to have images posted on the internet, for me to get some maternity shots! Session fee is free, and will give a complimentary 8 x 10 with any order! Email or call...I would love to have the opportunity to shoot you to add to my portfolio!

On a different note, we were pretty well snowed in yesterday. We had some fun playing outside later in the afternoon, but I was able to get some cute shots of the girls earlier in the day. They get tired of me sometimes, so I let N pick her own outfit. She still looks so darn cute!

My ALMOST FOUR year old's did they get so big, so fast?
Such a sweetheart!
Pictures again?!?!?
Pretending to be shy.
Telling Secrets
Can I be silly yet?ATTITUDE!
Getting tired of STILL having to take pictures...mind you this was all done in 25 minutes!

Hope all is well in your neck of the woods!

Saturday, February 23, 2008


I just wanted to send a quick thanks to everyone for their support and encouragement with my newest endeavor! Thank you for all the sweet comments, uplifting emails, and great advice. Where would one be without the support of family and friends??? God is so good! Off to see my sibs in Grease! GO Danny and Bonnie! Here are a few pics from the dress rehearsal the other night. Tyler as Danny. He did an awesome job, and I can't wait to see it tonight...and tomorrow!

N went with me to the dress rehearsal. This was at intermission. We left before it was over...Many, Many, Many tears were shed on the way home!

And isn't my sister beautiful? She is such a sweet girl, wonderful sister, and more than I could ask for as an aunt. Love you Kiersten - "I'm Bonnie!"

Friday, February 22, 2008

On the Side

I officially will be sending out notice of my website and business tomorrow. Pretty excited...I LOVE it, and it is a great "side-business" for me right now. Of course, you may ask, "side of what?" That would be on the side of being a wife to the man I adore and love completely...on the side of being a Mom to the two most precious gifts ever...on the side of being their "hero" all day long...on the side of being...chef, house cleaner, launderer, diaper changer and most of all Live Entertainer!!!! I love my life...just had to say it. I love it, wouldn't change it, and have been so blessed by every bit of it. Time for bed!

Friday, February 15, 2008


I am not sure if that is the correct spelling on the title, but you get my point! I have my website completed!!!!! My next step...buying my domain! I am pretty happy so far with the website...very economical and yet it still showcases some great photos. Maybe after I make a few more bucks I can get a "Flash" Site...have to admit...they are way cooler than mine...but like I just said, way economical and you do what you can, right? So, almost there...almost there. It is a good feeling to know that I won't wake in the middle of the night thinking of what I can put in the site, although with me, I am always changing things, so middle of the night thoughts probably won't go away! Hope all is well in your world! Smile!