Wednesday, April 29, 2009

If this doesn't make you smile...

...then you are crazy! Mr. P turned TWO! His little smile, and flat out belly laugh cracked me up!

And this one...well, I think he looks like a little model tot!

I love repeat clients. I get to see them grow, get to know them better, and it is especially fun when they have cool, fun parents! Thanks to both J and K...had a great time! :)

Miss A - 2 years old Mr. E - 3 months old

So Miss A. really isn't 2 quite yet...another couple of weeks and she will be celebrating that fun birthday! Mr. E. is my friend's little boy that was born only 3 days after my Little Man. Little Man is quite a bit chubbier, but Mr. E. has him beat hands down in the hair department! Sorry it has taken so long for your sneak peek to be up...hope you enjoy! :)

Friday, April 24, 2009

Baby K...6 Weeks Old

This little guy was absolutely adorable. It also showed how big my Little Man has grown! It was a great pleasure to meet this little guy and his mom and dad. Thanks for letting me capture Baby K at this sweet age! :)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

One quick one...

I love smiles, I really, really, really love smiles in my sessions. But I also, LOVE when you can see a glimpse of the little ones thinking or figuring out what in the world is going on. This picture caught me tonight while I was doing some editing (while watching Criminal Minds) and although I was going to just head straight to bed, I decided to put a quick post of it up! Her expression, the way she is grabbing her toes, the flowers sitting next to her, sitting on her own kitchen floor...all of it is just precious!!

I have a post that I started drafting about our is just taking me some time to get all was a fabulous you will just have to check back about the details! Going to bed for real now! :)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Miss E...

Very sleepy...but wanted to post sneak peeks...

Beautiful little girl...

So far these have turned out great, even with the rainy day we had last week! Goodnight!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Short on Words...

...but not short on cuteness!

Lots to catch up stay tuned! :)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Miss B...3 Weeks Old

I had the absolute privilege in shooting Baby B. She is the daughter of a good friend from high school, and is the sweetest little thing. She is just three weeks old! I love her squishy, chubby cheeks! She has so much strength! She was able to lift her head as well as my Little Man, and he is three months old!

I know...shocking, I posted piggies! (Did you notice I didn't in the last baby session?!?!?)

Lifting her little head up so well! I wanted a shot with her resting her head on her arms, but she had none of that!!!! So sweet...

One of my favorites...

B, I hope that you like them, and your gallery will be up very soon for viewing! Hope everyone else had a wonderful Easter! Lots going on here this week, so stay tuned!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Cracked Egg

We colored eggs last night, and I wasn't expecting God to really use it as a lesson for me or for me to use with my kids. All was going well, and the eggs were being colored at rapid pace. I think that is what is to be expected when you have a 5 year old and an almost 3 year old. They would grab a crayon, color a little on the egg, and then PLOP! it would dive into a color of choice. Each time they were reminded to carefully place the eggs in because we don't want them to break.

Then as one was about to take is plunge into a sea of orange, it cracked its little side on the edge of the cup. Eyes darted to me, and both Tom and I made sure that they knew it was not a big deal. Phew! They were relieved and it continued to take a bath in the bright orange dye. Then the last egg (of the 24, we will be eating eggs for some time!!!) that needed dyed. Bean held it in her hand deciding which color to place it in. It was still pure white, she didn't want to use any crayons on it. She debated for a few minutes, and then she dropped the little egg. It took a dive from the table top to the floor, and it wasn't a little crack. One side was completely crushed. Bean was sad because she wasn't able to color the last egg, but we again made sure that she knew that it was not a big deal and that it could still be eaten. The girls continued with decorating the eggs with stickers, and had a fun time finishing the project. Although they had stained fingers, their tired eyes were calling for bed. Bed they went.

After everyone one was in bed, including Little Man, it was time to play Easter Bunny. I gathered the goodies from around the house and started putting together the baskets, errrr, buckets this year! They were all set, and I decided to write a note from the Easter Bunny to the girls. I thought maybe it would help Bean to continue to believe in the Easter Bunny for a bit longer, even though at dinner this evening she proudly stated, "Mom, I think the Easter Bunny is just a person dressed up in a bunny costume." Tom and I looked down at our plates, and then I had to say something...."Maybe. He must be magic though to be able to deliver baskets to our house." Bean quickly replied, "Yea, he is like magic. Does he come down the chimney too?" I breathed a little bit of a sigh of relief because the belief came back a little bit more.


Anyways, as I was thinking of what to do with the letter to the girls, I thought that I would get a basket and put the letter with all of the colored eggs. And then the cracked white one came to mind. The one that Bean felt badly for cracking, like she had ruined something. It is cracked, smashed and unable to be dyed, but when the cracked shell is peeled away, it is still a delicious egg just like the others. It reminded me then of my sins. I am a cracked little egg. I have sins that have cracked and smashed me, but by the grace of God, I am made whole and beautiful. Jesus has come and died for my ugly sins, and with me accepting His gift of salvation, my cracked shell is peeled away and I am made whole and pure again. So that is the note that the Easter Bunny left to the girls. Just a reminder to them that Jesus came to die on the cross...for our we can be pure and enter into the Kingdom of God. All of that from a little cracked white egg. God is pretty amazing.

Tom helped Cakies catch a few quick z's before we headed off to my mom's for Easter lunch...too precious!

Hope you have a wonderful Easter celebrating the resurrection of our Savior.

Happy Birthday,,,

To my Wonderful Mother In Law! :) Hope you had a great day celebrating today! We love you lots!

Here she is in a four generation shot with her mother, Tom and my kiddos! :)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Miss C...

Three week old Miss C...absolutely beautiful. She was very alert both times we did pictures yesterday, and she was such a sweet little baby. Yep, made me miss the tininess of my own...but each stage is a delight, right? Okay, I know, I am sure it won't be an absolute delight when Bean and Cakes are teenagers, but I am sure there will still be lots of fun (and emotions!)!!!

So here are just a few...

I really love this one...Mom A helped come up with it...I think it is precious!

Love, love, love the next one...

Had to include one of big brother E! He was a total cutie yesterday! You might recall his face from last August when he turned one! :)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

3 Months Old Today

Seriously, you don't get any cuter than my little three month old Little Man. He is beyond adorable; okay I am a little biased. I wanted to post a few shots of my guy that I took this afternoon. I am in love with the naked pic of him because you can see all of his scrumptious-ness!

I just have to add...Little Man's smile brought me to complete tears today...for so many reasons. He is such a light in my life, along with my girls.

I feel like I am back in the saddle again. Today's session went well. It was great to meet beautiful Baby C, and see big brother E again. Such a beautiful family. Will have sneak peeks up soon! Many sessions coming up in the next couple of weeks, so you will see lots of posting...hopefully! :)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

One More Birthday Shot...

Here is Bean waiting to blow out the candles...

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

My Laptop...

I love it. After having a few initial glitches, all is well, and it is great to be able to be next to the kids and "work". Right now Bean is at school, Cakes is taking a nap at Mimi's and Little Man just fell asleep after an hour of so of individual play with me. It was so much fun. He is cooing, smiling, and even laughed yesterday and again today. His little smile still melts my heart, and he is THE BEST baby ever. So before Beanie and Cakies get home in a short bit, I thought I would post a few shots that made me smile from is that for posting updated shots...just yesterday folks!

He loves his bath time...and the girls love pouring water on him.

Solid chunk of love...

Our new wall decor - Bendaroos. They are super cool wax covered string that Bean wanted for Christmas but didn't we got them for her birthday. The girls can play with them for hours, and the coolest thing is that they untwist, unbend and can be used over and over again. Amazing little things. Theses were my thoughts until I walked into my family room and saw our new wall art. The girls were so pleased with what they were doing...and I left them where they are at...they are still hanging and still clinging, guess that could be another cool thing about them.

Cakies had a rough couple of days, but I am happy to report she is looking so much better today. She was miserable starting late Sunday evening, and I took her to the doctor's yesterday. Bronchitis was the diagnosis, and an antibiotic the treatment. Amazing difference from yesterday at this time to today...and even more amazing, she slept for more than a half hour without waking up coughing, I slept for several hours straight and life seems to be more normalized. Those of you who know me, know I do not function well without my sleep. I get cranky, irritated and I am the first to admit that. So the couple of nights that were lacking sleep were really building up, and thankfully last night I was able to get some good catch up sleep!

Beanie lost another tooth today. It was somewhat loose, and she was playing with her water bottle in her mouth and somehow knocked the tooth out. This one was not swallowed so the Toothfairy will really have something to pick up tonight! By the way, I asked the doctor yesterday about the tooth swallowing business, making sure I wouldn't have to "find" the tooth, and he assured me that I certainly don't have to do a poop search and she will be just fine. So, MIL, if you were worried and just not saying anything, the doctor is cool with it exiting on its own and floating away to a blissful life in the sewer! :)

My first scheduled session starts next I have said before...I am very excited about getting back into sessions. Can't wait to see my friends and their cute little ones again!

Thanks for all of the sweet comments on my post for Beanie's 5th are all sweet, and much love each of you!