Wednesday, July 30, 2008

"P" Family Session...

Sneak peek for the P family from Saturday. They were a fun, loving and sweet family. I had a great time visiting with them. My husband used to work with the Mom of the family, and we would see the kids occasionally. It has been quite some time, and even though I was pretty sure of their ages, and knew that they would look older, I was totally blown away at how "big" the three kids had gotten. The oldest A is off to Purdue in the fall. I can't believe that she has already graduated. Thanks boys for putting up with the session, even with waking so early on a Saturday morning and having to go play in a soccer tournament later that afternoon...troopers! :) The session took place in their backyard, which brings an extra personal touch to the photos for least I hope it does! Enjoy! :)

W and A...

My favorite so far... J was actually biting A's that sibling love or what??? At least at this age right?

Don't the boys looked thrilled? This is another favorite too because I think it captures how they all are really feeling!

This melts my heart...

Another one for the list of favorites...isn't he too cute?

Hanging on the diving board...

Sidebar: I was talking to my husband last night about how this session is turning out, and I told him about my favorite picture with the arm biting incident caught on film. He sort of laughed, and I realized, my favorites aren't usually the first pick for I don't see that one being blown up above the mantel, you know? But I LOVE pictures that show personality...I am sure you have heard me say that before!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Still here...

I am still here! We have again been pretty busy. I had a great session with a beautiful family Saturday morning, a GORGEOUS Senior session Sunday evening (biased, my little sister) and then another wonderfully beautiful Senior Session this morning. Needless to say, I have a lot of "work" to do! :)

Of course, I would have loved to have sat down this afternoon to dig into the editing, but I took the opportunity of this beautiful day to take the girls swimming. They had a blast, Bean was sleeping by 7:30 (rarity during the summer!!!) and Cakes, was in bed at the same time, didn't quite fall asleep until 9:00. That may have had something to do with her napping from 4:45-5:45...but she SO needed it!!! I tried waking her around 5:15 and you would have thought I woke a bear from hibernating!!! :) Can't complain though, she stayed in bed with a few books, I only made 3 short trips up to her (one to change her diaper, another for her to tell me she was sleepy) and she finally went to sleep. Beautiful! Now, if only every evening was that easy!!!!

I feel as though I have neglected my baby sessions from last week, and I wanted to post a few more of my favorites! I have BOTH of those sessions completed, so now I am free to move on to the next ones. To the "D" and "S" Families, here is another little peak if you check here before you get your proofs! :)


Friday, July 25, 2008

A few shots...

From our mini-vaca...

The view of the lake from the cottage...

Our first night there, before the first plunge! (don't mind my crazy hair!!!)

Two little ones headed out to the raft...

And one suddenly disappeared...Cakes was too nervous and bailed out at the beach.

Bean swimming like a champion.
Cakes, watching the action...

Big Boy was a major thing for my girls. I am not sure why, we have one here locally, but we never go to it. We rarely eat out, and when we do it is usually Red Robin because it is loud and we don't feel like our kids will disrupt. Anyways, Bean couldn't wait to get a picture with Big Boy after dinner. Here you have it!
Posing just like him...
I have more putt-putt shots of the girls. It was their first time ever putt putting, and they both had fun. I kicked tail (we weren't really keeping score, but I kept it in my head for just T and me!!!!! ;)

Bean took this picture. The only one of T and me from this trip.

I love this next picture. Cakes woke up quite a bit earlier than Beans did on Wednesday morning. I was sleeping in the bed with both girls (they were up at 5 am, and by me laying there, they were able to fall back to sleep.) So when Cakes woke up, I sent her in to get Daddy. They chatted for awhile, and then I heard them get up because they were going to go feed the fish. This is the two of them walking out to the water. Cakes is such a daddy's girl, and is a spitting image of him! (He doesn't take credit for her sassy-ness...he says something has to come from me!)She was very excited, but the fish didn't like our bread! ;)

I was bummed as I was looking through the pictures that I didn't get a single shot of ANY of us kayaking. It was Cakies first time kayaking, Bean kayaked all by herself, and we made several family kayak trips around the lake. The time that Bean kayaked by herself, T was swimming next to her and we got to about the middle of the lake. We had decided to go on a family "tour" and instead of kayaking back to shore to load in from there, T decided he could manage to get in, guaranteeing Bean that she wouldn't fall in. I laughed VERY hard through the whole thing, and T kept his promise, Beany didn't fall in, not even a little splash on her! (They were close to tipping several times though!!!)

Another picture I missed (not really my fault) was Beans first ride on the jet-ski. She had refused several times, and while I was out on the water on a jet-ski and my sister was out on the other one with my niece, she decided she could do it. I came in and she hopped on! She was a little nervous at first, but I forgot to have T take a picture of her...bummed! Guess we will just have to go back to make sure we get some pictures of both of the missed events. Cakies almost got brave enough to ride, but each time she was about to hop on she freaked out. I guess she is only 2! :)

Alright, so there are a few...still have putt putt, and a full day of swimming and playing to post. My sister and her family came up on Wednesday and it was tons of fun!
Off to celebrate my nephew's TWO YEAR birthday!!!!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Although it always feels good to be home, our relaxing mini-vacation was fabulous! We had SO much fun the past three much, that we are hoping to do it again sometime in August...if we can! :) Hope to share some pictures this weekend of all the "firsts" for my kiddos! Have a great night!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Baby "D"

I wish I could share Baby D's name because it is so cute and so unique, unique in the good kind of way, but I have a thing with putting names on the internet. So you will just have to be creative and try to figure it out yourself. Anyways, this little guy is 6 months old, and is the son of a friend that I used to play softball with in high school. I have had the priviledge of shooting her sister while pregnant and then her niece, Baby "S" as a newbie.

I was very excited to do this session. I would get to see T, meet her husband D, and visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. S (Baby D's Grandparents) have been around in my life for quite sometime, and cheered me on during volleyball days and softball days from the time I was in Jr. High through High School. He helped me land a coaching position (or two) during college. Mrs. S, is as sweet as pie, and would do anything you asked of her, even if it would kill her, I swear!

I was very nervous about the day, as if anyone from around here recalls, the clouds were threatening, some rain had passed through, so the ground was soaked, the light outside was great, but inside wouldn't have worked out so well. I would have postponed but T and D live out of town, and were here for the weekend staying with "the parents". We decided to give it a try, worse case scenario, it wouldn't work out.

I arrived at 9;30, and was greeted by D, in p.j.'s eating his breakfast. I loved it! I knew from that moment that this was going to be a fun session! Then I saw Baby D, and my heart melted. I think the first thing I said was, "He is such a pretty baby!". I don't know if pretty is the best word to describe a little boy, but nothing else came to my mind. He has the cutest hair, looks as though it is styled, soft smooth peachy cheeks, and BEAUTIFUL blue eyes. I am such a sucker for the baby blues!!!!

After some visiting, we went on out to get the session moving. As we were walking through the grass D warned of the dog bombs, so beware. We got a few shots in but Baby D was sleepy...very sleepy! He was not liking the camera, was not liking sitting, so we decided that I would come back after his nap. At this point, I was keeping my fingers crossed that the weather would hold out!

So, homeward bound. I am less than 5 minutes from Mr. and Mrs. S's home where the session was taking place, and I smelled something "funny". I couldn't put my finger quite on it...I smelled my shirt thinking maybe it was the culprit, and then something in my head reminded me that I was kneeling on the ground. Oh yes. That was it. I knelt in a dog bomb! To the washer with those babies!!! So, I walked in from the garage, which happens to be our laundry room, and stripped the pants off. I then walked into the kitchen to greet my sweeties and husband sitting at the kitchen table. Cakies looks at me and says, "Mom, where you pants? Where you pants go?" She was totally confused! I didn't quite process the fact that I needed to answer that question, and then my husband says, "Didn't go so well huh? Was the light bad? And, where are your pants?" While my husband is asking those questions, Cakes the whole time is repeating, "Where you pants?" Ah, yes, the dog poop! I don't think Cakies understood quite what that meant, but it was funny none the less! :) By the way, Beans didn't seem too phased by me just being in my shirt. That somewhat scares me...maybe I should start instilling a little more modesty in our household!

So, I headed back after nap, the storms held off, the light was wonderful, and minus the humidity, it was a perfect day for a session. Oh yes, and during the nap, Mrs. S had Mr. S out mowing the lawn to make sure it was perfect for the pictures! Like I said, she would do anything for anyone! The yard was beautiful, beautiful flowers with so many colors...and so far the processed images are beautiful.

This ended up being an ENORMOUS post, but it was such a fun day! I had a great time catching up with the whole family, and oh yea, I even got some pictures of their dog (small pony) with the family! I love this "job" and love that it just keeps getting better as I go along.

Thank you to all of you for your cooperation and excitement for the session. You were so much fun to work with, and I am so glad I had the opportunity to catch up in person!

So, here are the much awaited sneak peeks...shame on any of you who skipped this e-nor-mo post and came straight to the goodies!!! ;)

"First" Session of the day...and this was about the happiest he gave us!

And then there was this...

T's great it...

Super Smiles at Grandpa...

Sleepy again...he wasn't really sleeping, but I think being snuggled on the blanket and being worn out from "traveling" all over the yard for pictures made this blink extra long.
So those are just a few quick ones. I am off to eat a bowl of oatmeal...nothing wrong with a prego lady that is hungry at midnight right?!?!?! :)

Baby B

I have two sessions that need some sneak peek posting. I only have Baby B's ready, so check back sometime soon. We have been very busy around here. From swimming, to birthday parties, to play dates, to photo sessions and numerous other fun events, I have gotten behind in my posting! Sorry! We will be out of town on a mini-vacation this week, so don't expect tons of postings this week either!!!! :)

I had tons of fun with the "D" family last Thursday. They are laid back, relaxed and just went with the flow. It was nice to hear, "This is so much better than going to a studio". That is one of my make capturing your child, family, pet (yep, even photographed a pet this weekend!) an easy and fun process. Baby "B" is 6 weeks old and Big Sister "S" is 6 years old. She was a total sweetheart that wanted to help with everything, and also be in as many pictures as possible! Too cute!

I will write more about the "S" family from Saturday...they too were a blast!

I will leave you with these sneak peeks, and then I am off to fix up a chair to use in my sessions. Good ol' Dad to the rescue for me! :)


Beautiful 6 year old, "S"...she LOVES having her picture was very evident Thursday! :)

This is one of my favorites so far in editing this session. It is different than any that I have taken, and it turned out so darn sweet! I love the shadows and the cute little buns melt my heart!

Have a good night! :)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Looking Through Pictures...

I was trying to post these last night, but blogger was "acting up". So, I thought I would post them real quick today. These two sweeties are best friends and cousins. As I was looking through pics, I came across these two shots. The first one makes me laugh. These are the faces, movements and attitude that I usually get when I try to get their picture. G(niece) is a hoot, and Beans usually has her finger pointed in a disco dance move (below) or her muscle flexed.

So, I will take the above picture as long as they promise to give me one nice one...and below you will see...their love, their sweetness and their patience for me!
Hope you are having a great week.

Monday, July 14, 2008


To our good friends (Hubby's Best Friend) J and now FIANCE K! :) Engaged last night, and we couldn't be more excited! We are so happy for you guys, and have been busting at the seems to keep the big secret a secret! :) You are both wonderful people and deserve the happiness that you bring to each other! Love you both! :)

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Baby Session Postponed...

Yesterday's baby session was postponed until Thursday, so if you are here looking to see that session, well, you will have to check back later this week!

So, instead I made a little slide show of snapshots of what we have been up to this summer. Somehow, I don't have any pics of Baby K...will have to make sure I get some the last half of summer! :)
  • Hanging out with the "big" family
  • Thunderstorms with a Beautiful Rainbow afterwards!!!! (hard to see in the picture though!)
  • Goodbye parties for Uncle Lucas
  • Baby Swan watching at the pond
  • Ballet Recital...SO CUTE!!!!
  • Playing with COUSINS...
  • Ice Cream...and popsicles...
  • Playing in our "pool"
  • Swimming at the pond
  • Visiting with Grandma and Grandpa Armstrong
  • Playing at the park

And many more things...that I didn't get pictures of yet! We still have so much summer left, and yet I feel like we have crammed so much in already! We are taking a small family vacation next week for a couple of days. Should be a fun time, barring the weather is cooperative! It will be nice to be out of the house for a couple of days to be able to just hang out with each other, and not feel like I should be doing "something" and just enjoy the moment that we are in at that time. :)

Hope you had a great weekend! Mrs. H, I know you check this often, it was WONDERFUL to see you and J and K last night for dinner! We have missed you, and hope to see you soon!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Baby J Slide Show

I am finished with editing Baby J's session. I just have to compile the CD, and it will then be ready for delivery! That will have to wait, because I am taking the girls swimming at the "pond". One of our favorite things to do! Here is a slide show of the majority of my favorites from the session! Hope you enjoy!