Thursday, December 31, 2009

Mr. B....6 months old...

This little guy was the smiliest (is that a word??), happiest little 6 month old. His blue eyes are beautiful and I couldn't have asked for a better session! His momma and I went to high school together, and they were in town for Christmas, so I got the opportunity to capture Mr. B's sweetness.

I love this first one...

...and the cheeks here might be my favorite from the session so far...

...this one is my Bean's favorite...

Have a Happy New Year...and check back tomorrow for another shot of Butter! :)

The Countdown To ONE...

...My little Butterball, Snugglebug, Momma's boy, G-bers...will be turning ONE in ONE the countdown is on! Check back daily to see a shot of him. Here is to my...

...window pounding...

...mouth licking...

...Daddy loving...

...always giggling...

...curly headed...

...sister adoring...

...sparkly blue eyed boy...

You have blessed our lives beyond measure My Sweet! We love you more than ever imagined...

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Two Itty Ones...

Remember this post? The two Perfectly Pregnant Sisters? Well, they now have their perfectly beautiful babies...a boy, A, and a girl, P. Beautiful I tell you! It was fun to have them here together for the session. H and her husband were in town, and so a session was to be had. Christmas Eve morning they came on over and I got to shoot away at their cuteness. Here are just a few...

Mr. A...

...lovin' him in this hat...

The two sweeties together...stuffed in the washtub...
NOTHING beats baby feet...except when there are TWO SETS TOGETHER!!!! ;)

...snackin' on some ear...

Miss sleepy...she was out hardcore...we put a hat on her and she didn't budge!

...she did wake up and was bright eyed...

That is all for the night...had a great session this morning, that I can't wait to dig into and get some peeks up her for all to see.


...2009 - a few shots from this past week or so of my loves...

My two favorite men...

Our visit to Santa at the Erie Street Market - Children's Wonderland (If you are reading this and you were a person that volunteered to help keep Children's Wonderland going this Christmas...THANK YOU!!!! My kids had a blast this year!!!!)

Our Christmas tree has seen better days...the bottom foot of the tree now has NO decorations at all...this I will thank Butter for...

...he loves even the ribbon and the beads...whatever he can get his grubs on!

All dressed up to head to the big ole Christmas party...

...My WHOLE family...(if you are an FB friend, you can check out the tags to see who is who...I am NOT labeling here! LOL!)

We tried to make Rice Krispie houses vs. Gingerbread houses, and they started out great...but ended up collapsing...I think I need my husband to engineer a better design for next years...they still taste great!!!!!

Butter watched from his chair and snacked on graham crackers...

Cakes snacked on sprinkles almost the entire time...

Bean worked diligently...frosting, sprinkling, making a sidewalk, windows, doors...

...and then snacked...

There are still more pictures to come! Bean lost both her front teeth about a week before of course you know what everyone sang to her. Unfortunately Butter came down with an awful virus two days before Christmas and it is still going strong. I have never seen so much snot come from one little baby ever! Not exactly what I had hoped for his first Christmas. Cakes is now starting to come down with the fun too...BUT, all in all...we have had a wonderful Christmas season celebrating the birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. No better gift have I received, than the gift of salvation.

Hope your Christmas was delightful and filled with love.

Fun Family of Five

This session took place at the beginning of December...remember the weekend that the arctic air blew in and it was FREEZING?!?!?!?! Yes...this session was that weekend. It started outdoors, and then after seriously freezing and wondering if child protective services were going to be called for having children out in such arctic temps, we moved the session indoors! The L family was super fun, and instead of me going on about them, I will just show some of the shots!

Love this shot of R and Brutus!

Their littlest man...such a ham!

Brotherly love...

This next one...I love!!!! It was their idea to do a goofy face picture...AND...they decided to use this as their Christmas card picture!!!! Love it! What a fun family with a fabulous sense of humor!

There are more sneak peeks to come, but I am hoping to post a few of my own here soon... AND, Butter (called this by his sisters often, and still called Gbers...but Butter is sticking more!), will be one in two weeks. Took a few shots of him today...and hope to get a few more for his big day!

Hope you had a Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Two Weeks...

I have been a bit absent from blogging, this I know. I have been a bit absent in general it feels. Two weeks ago today, my brother in law and my beautiful sister at just 21 weeks pregnant, said goodbye to their precious baby girl, Lillian Christine. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that my sister would have to feel and share the pain of losing a little baby. The similarities of our situations are unreal, and I could go into great detail, but I just can't tonight. She birthed her sweet baby, and all who were there got to hold her in our arms. Yes, she was already with Jesus, but I feel blessed in holding her. I know I have many, many, many prayer warriors out there, so if you will continue to pray for her and her family it would mean the world to me.

My sister asked for me to bring my camera that day, and of course I did. I got several beautiful images of love...but I don't feel I can share least not yet. I do want to remind you of the beautiful organization NILMDTS and ask that if you feel so compelled, send a donation. There are so many families that face such terrible loss and so many that benefit from this organization. I am not a "photographer" for them, but I am a supporter. I am on the edge as to whether I can really do this as a photographer...because it rips my heart to shreds...but I am hoping to apply and hoping to be accepted by them sometime in the near future.

I do have a beautiful family session to post. I have been doing it a little backwards compared to normal. I have been so adamant about getting sessions to clients quickly for Christmas cards and other reasons, that the blogging part has been coming after galleries are completed.

That is all for tonight. Hugs to all of you readers out there!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

I haven't shared...

...this adorable family with you quite yet. Their electric blue eyes are captivating, and I had a fabulous session with them... favorite one from the session...

Have a great week...