Monday, June 30, 2008

Thanks for waiting...

Thanks M, for waiting for A's pictures. :) Here is a little slideshow of the cutie pie! Proofs are ready! (Hit the sound button at the bottom of the slideshow to play or mute the music!)


The light pretty much stinks today, and with the showers on and off and the chance of it not clearing out until later this afternoon, the newbie session is postponed. Friday (yep, the 4th) will be the session. So, 10 days old, the little guy will be. Still under two weeks (my request for newbies), still sleepy, still curled up, still completely fresh to the world! I seriously am bummed though; was looking forward to the fun session! Oh the well... :) Hope you had a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Newbie Session...

I am pretty geeked right now! I have a newbie session Monday with what will be a 6 DAY old much fresher can you get?!?!?!? So, stay tuned for some sneak peeks!!!! Had a beautiful day today playing and swimming with my girls and neighbors. Nothing beats good neighbors, and ours are moving. :( We will definitely be missing them!
We will be OOT this weekend, so no posts until Monday or Tuesday! :) Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

More on the Duke...

Lucas A. Wells

Check this article out about my brother...pretty cool stuff! :) (Click on his Name)

Miss A

Yep, my second Miss A. Two in a row...and two cuties in a row at that! She is a little sweetheart that has grown into a total toddler...okay, not quite toddling, but it isn't too far from now I am sure! Enjoy a few quick peeks before I run (slug) off to bed!

Birthday Cake!!!! These were her ONE YEAR OLD shots...but a month late! ;)
Love the frosting on the piggies!


GO TIGERS!!!! Too cute...this one is for Dad, I think!

I love seeing little ones grow, and this little lady is growing up so fast! Look at her conquer the stairs, (only going up!!).

I have to give some props out to my little ladies. The girls went with me to this session and they were FABULOUS! No, I don't typically bring them along, but they LOVE Miss A, and they were so darn good! Maybe it was the promise of swimming afterwards with her?!?!?!?! Whatever it was, it worked well, and the session was wonderful! Night!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

18 months old...

18 months through 2 years...I think those are the most challenging sessions, but can also be the most rewarding. It is a fabulous age! So, I had my work cut out for me this past Thursday morning. As you will see, this little one is as cute as can be. I loved...her soft cheeks, her eyes when she smiles, her cute little piggies, the oh so many expressions, and the ability to dodge the camera at the last second!!!! I loved it! So many of these images showcase her personality so well. And as we all know, at this age, they do what they want, when they want, and if they don't get what they want you hear about it! It truly was so much fun!

Piggy you all of my weaknesses! :)

Playin' Rosies With Mom...

Watching bubbles...
This one has a story. If you remember this little guy, I did a session on him a few months back, Mr. N. He was Mr. Cooperative, made up his own poses, cute faces and melted my heart right through the lens. Anyways, it was sister's turn this day, and N did so darn good. He really wanted to be in the pictures (totally the same as my Bean when she is on a shoot with me, doesn't want to miss a shot), but eventually he kept himself busy and was very helpful! This shot he had colored his hand and I told him he was starting to look like a Smurf. He thought it was funny. I didn't anticipate loving this shot, but I can't help but see his personality shine through. He eventually colored his face too...I haven't proofed that one yet...but it was pretty funny! :)

I saved my most favorite from the session (so far that is!) for last! I love her expression, her eyes and that she is being a total toddler playing in the chalk!
So there is the sneak peek from the day. And after an hour, I left with sidewalk chalk on the rear of my jeans from sitting on the drawings, soggy jean leg bottoms from traipsing through the wet grass, and a heart full of happiness from capturing this sweet little girl. Thanks for the fun, Momma A! We will have to have a play date soon! I know Beans loves playing with N! :)

Friday, June 20, 2008

To Miss A and Miss A

Yep, I had a session yesterday and a session today with two cuties who both are "Miss A". I know you are waiting for some sneak peeks, and although I would like to promise them tonight...I can't make that promise! The sessions went beautifully, and I am anxious to get some posted! Keep checking back this weekend. I am hoping to get a few posted! Have a good one! :)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Sneak Peeks of Miss C

Here are a few that popped out at me tonight as I was looking through the session images from Saturday. I am amazed at the blueness of her eyes, and how they catch the light from every direction. She is a total cutie pie, and it has been an absolute pleasure watching her grow from a little 6 week old tiny tator tot, to this expressive, "chatty", on the move 6 month old! These are it for the night. I am POOPED today! A couple of late nights, and two active girlies wears this Momma down.

I love how the eyes squint up with her cute little smile...

Monday, June 16, 2008

Getting Closer....

To being finished proofing "W's" Family session. They are turning out so darn cute...and I am having a hard time choosing "THE BEST" pictures to edit! Hoping to finish tomorrow!

I LOVE the next three of each of these precious ones...the girls are little models!!!

Too Cool! :)

And, I want to thank S for waiting patiently for sneak peeks of Miss C. I will definitely post some for you tomorrow to take a peak at! :) Enjoy the beautiful week!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

To any of those Dad's out there who stop by here, hope you have a wonderful day!

And, Happy, Happy Father's Day to my Handsome Man! :)

Saturday, June 14, 2008

A Few Quick Ones...

From Thursday evening. The lighting was great, and although it was a bit warm, it worked out perfectly! Had a great session this morning, but I will have to post sneak peeks from that one later. Have tons to do!!!!! Thanks again "W" family! Hope you enjoy a few peeks here and I promise to have more up soon!

These two girls are so sweet, but I think you can tell that from the picture.

Love, Love, Love this one. The blue bench is too cool! :)

What a FUN family! :)
And gorgeous to boot...

Miss C's sneak peeks will be coming! Thanks "S" for a great morning! I can't believe how big she is getting already! :)

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Beautiful Session...

I had one of the most beautiful sessions tonight at Toledo Botanical Gardens. It was a gorgeous, fun family! I can't wait to get to proofing, and hope to get some sneak peeks up tomorrow or sometime this weekend! Thank you "W" family! It was fun to meet all of you, and get to know you just a bit! :)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A few more of the cuties...

Looking down to the water, that he couldn't wait to throw his sticks into!

I love his expression in this one, and his eyes!

Another cute one of the two together...what beautiful boys!

Busy week with sessions coming up! Family session Thursday, one year old Friday, and 6 month old Saturday!!! There will be plenty to post early next week!!!

That is all for now! Hope you are staying cool, enjoying the weather and having a good week!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Things I take For Granted...

We lost power Friday night around 9:45 until Saturday night at about 6:45. I was pretty pathetic! I felt like a sweat ball sleeping Friday evening, and no one really got a great night sleep that night. It had been a 90 degree day, and the night was not cooling down, and was still humid from the storm that went through. We sleep with a box fan running every night, not very energy efficient I suppose, but we have done this since Beans was a baby. So, my kids are VERY used to that beautiful white noise that just hums them (and me) right to sleep! No FAN! No AC! Not comfortable! Saturday morning, Beans hopped in bed with my husband and I and said, "There is no power still!" "I know honey, it will be on sometime soon." Beans then says, after laying and chatting with her groggy mommy for a bit, "Can I watch some shows?" Tears came down her face!!!! She isn't that attached to TV, but it is a bit of a habit on Saturday mornings especially to watch shows in bed with us. It is also great, because it buys us about an extra half hour of shut eye! :) We then found out that power wasn't to be restored until Monday morning!!!!! My FOOOOOOD!!!! AC!!!!!!!!! No computer?!?!?!?!?!? What were we to do? Like I said pathetic. We did survive, and Grandpa Armstrong pulled through with a generator for us to borrow for a couple of hours to maintain the fridge (and a fan! to bring relief from another scorcher of a day!) I could write of the many "interruptions" that the short time of power outage caused to our life, but in all reality, it was pretty fun (once the fan was on!). So, I am going to end with things I am thankful for, that I take for granted too many days!!!

1. The health, safety and well being of my family and myself. The outcome from the storm could have been much worse!
2. My beautiful home that keeps us well protected.
3. AIR CONDITIONING!!!! Did I mention that I have been a spoiled baby when it comes to this department of life?!?!?! My dad is Mr. HVAC, so we have always had a nice cool house, and I have never lived without it!!!!
4. My computer! I was having withdrawals from my beloved email checking, NO PHOTO EDITING!!!!, no blog reading, no news catch up. I caught myself a couple times about to go to the basement to check emails, and it hit, NO POWER!
5. God. I am most thankful for Him. I would be a pathetic mess without Him as my Savior and Protector.

So, yes, count me as a pathetic soul who is way too dependent on electricity, who will probably never camp (my husband either), and one who is thankful and grateful for the many blessings in my life. I have so much, and even without my AC or Computer, my life would be complete...I just would have no photography business!!!! ;)

Hope you are all cool and comfortable tonight! Oh yes, to the "F" family, I will be busy working this week to get your proofs ready! Obviously, I didn't get them done this weekend!!!!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

I fell in love...

With these sweet boys the moment I met them! 3 year old, D, was a little chatter box and by the end of the session he even invited me to Mr. Freeze (the reward for being so good during the session!) which I thought was so sweet, and had to decline to get home to my sweeties. Little P, was cuter than ever also. He got tired of me pretty quick, but I was able to get some good ones of his baby brown eyes! And, I also have to add that both boys (and Mom) were total troopers in the sticky humid weather this morning! Thanks for tons of fun!!! Hope you enjoy the sneak peek and I hope to get more posted this weekend! :)

He LOVED climbing on the "gates" as he called them...he just loved climbing on anything I think!

This one melts my heart...I love to see the love between siblings!

The smiles on both of these boys popped right out at me! :)

Sleepiness is coming...

Fighting it...and me trying to take his picture!!! :) If you look closely (click on picture) you can see his big ol' crocodile tears streaming down his cheeks!

A little ride in the wagon, and GONZERS!!!! Isn't he adorable!!! :)
Off to bed! Oh yes, I forgot, I know I am behind on posting pictures of my own family (Cakes birthday in particular), but I have to mention that tonight was Beans dress rehearsal for her dance class that she took this year! It was so much fun to watch it all come together, to see her excitement to be on the "big dance" stage, see her socialize with friends, and know that she is truly another year older...getting bigger by the second! I will be posting those sometime in the near future...hopefully!!!!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Graduation Pics...

Please note that the lighting in the Seagate Centre was by far sub par! Why didn't I drag everyone outside into the beautiful light of the evening? Couple of reasons!
1. We were a large group and it was a minor miracle that we were all even able to find each other, stay together and not lose any of our kids during that time.
2. Kids. Kids on a downtown street. Probably not the greatest of ideas!
So, you will have to just deal with the pictures with flash, that I so truly dislike to use...sunshine is so much better! :)

Bean and Uncle Ty

G and Uncle Ty

Ty and his cute girlfriend S

I was emotional over this picture! One, I realized that my baby sister is next to year! I feel like she is too young, and it will be here in a blink of an eye! Two, Ty and Kierst have such a cool relationship. They have been best buds since they were little, and it warms my little heart to continue to see their relationship flourish!

I think he was a bit excited to be DONE!

My cute little Mom and Ty
Bean...why does she always want to make crazy faces?!?!?!?

Cakes and Uncle darn cute!

That is all for the night. I have pictures to post of Miss Cakies Birthday party from last week yet, but they will have to wait! Session on Thursday! Geeked for a fun time!!!! :)