Sunday, August 31, 2008

Happy Birthday

To my Father-In-Law! Hope you had a great day! :) We love you lots, "Grampa"! :)

Saturday, August 30, 2008

My Cutie Patootie Niece

Here are a few more of my little niece. Favorites were too hard to pick, so I am posting several that I LOVE! :)

No secret why these two shots made the list...

Had a great session today with the "H" Family. This business has brought me back in touch with so many high school friends and acquaintances, and it has been great catching up and seeing how everyone's family has grown. Mr. E was a total sweetie...big boy ONE year old, and I got some GREAT shots of him! Thanks "H" family for a great session. "A" you look beautiful as always! Stay tuned for some sneak peeks within the next couple of days! Off to day tomorrow..."Grandpa's Birthday!"

Friday, August 29, 2008

Creature of Habit

Beans prayer last night "Lord, I pray that I have this room (bedroom) in heaven, just like it is. Amen."

T and I have a very hard time not giggling through our prayer at times with our girls. Our favorite one from Cakes: "Dank you Wanch (Ranch) and Ketsup (Ketchup). Amen." Who isn't thankful for those things? :)

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Miss O

Well, Miss O, if you are checking this blog, I am DONE with your pictures! I LOVE them...too many favorites to post, but I will post a few more! You are beautiful and although you had a hard time pulling off a serious face, the "serious face" pictures turned out great!

By the way...those of you who live around here may be wondering if we ventured to the Water Park...that is a big fat negative! It was supposed to originally be a nice is gloomy, cool, and had no signs of getting nicer. And, those of you who know my Beans, once something is in her head it is VERY difficult to convince her otherwise. So, I broke it to her gently..."No waterpark is too yucky out." "I want to go!" "How about we go to McDonald's and you play in the play land area and then play at the park?" "Okay!" Problem solved! And to make it even more delightful for my little lady, we invited our cousins to come with us and Mimi too. The kids had fun, my sister got a much needed break, and the waterpark, as sad as I am that I didn't get to go, will have to wait until next summer.

Have a great weekend! We are hoping to spend time with family...and of course...GO BLUE!

Love this one!

And this one...just was quite an uncomfortable position that I made her squeeze into...but it turned out so cute! :)

This one is just cool! :)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Call Us Weird...

But our night time songs that we sing to our girls are Amazing Grace and Blessed Be the Name. We have sung them for almost two years...same ones...we used to do different songs, but Beans is a total creature of habit. So last week at the funeral, Amazing Grace - Chris Tomlin version started playing. She immediately looked up at T and I and mouthed, "I know this one." It was very, very sweet. I don't think there was a dry eye in the church as that song played. So, it is becoming the new song on the right.

After we lost Baby Thomas, songs were of great help to my emotional well being...and lots of prayer. So, I borrowed many CD's (thank you N and Mom) and created a CD of some favorite songs. Needless to say, those songs played over and over whenever we were in the car. So, Beans learned all of the songs, and can sing right along. Some favorites from that CD...Praise You in This Storm, Held, Who Am I, Homesick, Wish You Were Here (not Pink Floyd :) )...and we called it our Thomas CD of God songs. Anyways, I believe it was Homesick that played next at the funeral, and she looked at me again, and smiled, and mouthed the words to the songs. It was beautiful.

I have some more beautiful images of Miss O from last week that I want to post...I am getting oh so close to being finished with her session and to being all caught up! Miss KJ's session is case you are reading this L! ;) I will put up more of Miss O tomorrow (after we go to the WATERPARK!!!! )I think I am more excited than my kids...not sure what a prego can do there, but I think the girls will have a blast! If I am on top of things, I hope to take my would think it is the first thing I pack, but it usually is waiting for me by the door, and most occasions, I forget it...but I know right where it is! :)

Have a good night!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Fall Special

Here it is...
Where: Wildwood MetroPark
When: November 8th
Time Slots Available: 9:30, 10:00, 10:30, 11:00, 11:30
Price: $80
What YOU get: 25 minute, kids, up to 8 people total. You will receive 5-10 full quality images on a CD mailed to you the week of November 17th, and can be printed at a lab of your choice!

This is a really GREAT deal. To buy rights to an individual image it costs $15, and you would be getting at LEAST 5 images...that right there is $75. These pictures can be used for Christmas cards and prints from where ever your little heart chooses! You also have the ability to request me to custom create a Christmas card for you at an additional fee. (You can do this at any time with any pictures from any of your sessions!)

So, there it is. I will fill the spots on a first come first serve basis! Deposit is needed to reserve your spot permanently! :)

Monday, August 25, 2008

Some More of Mr. B

I am on a roll today! :) I had a great morning at the Zoo with the girls and cousins, and got a BUNCH accomplished with editing today! Mr. B's CD is ready to be delivered, and I can't wait for his Momma to see the finished product . He kept stealing my heart each picture I edited. I decided to put a few more up of him so you can see his cuteness too!

The lips...

The lips again...

Love that you can see his top teeth starting to bulge...

And, the lips yet again!!!

Super Duper Cute Smile!

On the home front notes, all is going well with my pregnancy. I feel great and feel lots of tumbles and turns throughout the day! Those of you who are wondering, the sex of the baby is unknown. You will just have to stay tuned in until January sometime!

Session info, and I will probably make this a separate blog entry, my last day for sessions will be November 22nd (hoping I can still lay on the ground, move around and run after little ones!) This excludes little newborns...they aren't too difficult to chase!!!! My fall is getting booked, so if you are wanting a session please be sure to contact me to get your preferential date! Fall shots also make great Christmas cards...thinking of some special to run...will keep you posted. I will START sessions again at the end of February. If you have any questions, please feel free to call or email!

Have a great night! :)

Few More Peaks...

I delivered this session CD last night, but I wanted to post a few more images. The two girls are adorable, and I fell in love with so many different pictures! :) Hope the Momma is enjoying her view of the CD images!!! :)

Saturday, August 23, 2008


Here are the sneak peeks for Miss O. She has gorgeous blue eyes, and a sweet personality to match. I had tons of fun, and am excited to get digging into the rest of the session! Hope you enjoy!

The first two totally jumped out at me as absolute beauties...

She had the hardest time giving me a "serious" look...I love this one though! :)

Got to get back to my girls. Hope you have a great weekend! :)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Senior Session

I had an absolutely beautiful senior session with Miss O last night. Again, the weather turned in our favor after a very ugly looking day. Thanks for a fun night O, A and S! You made my job very easy!!!!

Unfortunately, I am not going to get any sneak peeks up before we leave tomorrow. We will be back this weekend, and it is the first weekend in a long time that I will not have a session. Purposely blocked Saturday, due to my husband's golf outing. So, I am hoping to get some work done this weekend, and get a few more posts up of the sessions that I have had. They have all been so fun and the kids (big and little) have been so cute/beautiful!

Have a great night!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Another 9 month old...

One of my favorite ages!!!!! I had a great time last Saturday getting to know Mr. B. He is super sweet, SUPER expressive, and has this lip action thing that looks like he might whistle and it totally melted my heart. Thanks "S" family for the opportunity to photograph your little guy!

The first two here are favorites so far...he was so happy in his Momma's arms...

...and his eyes are so pretty.

The lighting in the house was great. He was starting to warm up to me at this point...I think he really just finally noticed the camera.

I had to add this to my favorites. He wasn't a fan of the grass, so he did the bear crawl through it. This face and the way he was positioned reminds me of a line backer ready to tackle someone or something...too cute.

Thanks again for the great day!
Also, for those of you who follow, in a previous post, I wrote about a "Big Surprise" for Bean. She TOTALLY remembered this morning and it was the first thing she asked me!!! Thankfully, I used the library surprise, and she was EXTREMELY thrilled!!!! WHOOO-HOOOO!!!! She did ask if we could do Chuck-E-Cheese. I told her she had to have several nights without me coming into her room, she seemed to agree with it, because in her words "Chuck-E-Cheese is a big big surprise." I agree. And I am thankful to not have to go there today! :)

Have a great day! I am super excited for another Senior Session tonight! :)