Thursday, May 29, 2008

A Few More Of Mr. L and M

Is it really already Thursday? I can't believe how fast the past week has FLOWN by! And, there are no signs of it stopping, at least until June 9th...I will be able to breathe that day...I hope! Here are a few more from Saturday's session! They are such cute boys!!!!! Enjoy!!!

Loved this...showing me his candy! :)

Baseball Baby...

Monday, May 26, 2008

Cakies is TWO!

Today is M's 2nd birthday!!! (Also referred to as Cakes and Cakies on this blog!) I can't believe that my baby is TWO already! I got all emotional over 4 with N, and this one is a big one also! It isn't that I want to stop her from growing, because I love seeing her personality develop, love watching her learn new things and LOVE the relationship she is developing with her sister. It just seems all too fast.

I tried talking with Cakes today and telling her about her "birth", but she wasn't interested. I think she is a little young to care about that yet, but I LOVE telling my girls about the day they were born. My little miracles! At 8:09am Miss M was delivered via c-section. I remember most things very clearly (drugs can fog some of it!). I remember her crying, and me asking if she was okay. My husband was sitting next to me reassuring me that all was okay, holding my hand, just as anxious as I was. I remember giving her the first kiss; I am selfish and I reserve the right to the first kiss. Thankfully my husband is a gem, and wouldn't steal it from me ever. M was so tiny, 7 lbs 11 oz. 20 1/8" long. So hard to believe that all the little spunk that is in her today started from that little tiny baby girl. My baby girl is getting big.

Here are some pictures...

From this (I spared you the gooey pictures!)

(Bean was still such a baby!)

To this...sweet little thing!

(Garden Party smelling her flowers!)
Have a great Memorial Day!

Mr. L and Mr. M

I had so much fun following these two boys around yesterday! Their eyes are captivating, they are full of fun, and even though the sun was ablaze (difficult photo conditions), I am excited about the end result! Well, some of the end results...I am not quite finished yet! Enjoy the sneak peek!

I loved how he kept showing me his belly button and giggling!

Holding hands with Grandma...Ummm, priceless!

The little model, with stunning blues!

Gorgeous Browns!

You know I love eyelashes, even on little boys!


All Mr. L's idea...and it turned out great!!!!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Just a reminder...

Of a couple of things...
1. Father's Day special listed in a previous post.
2. Check out my brother's blog. He has a link in one post that has a pretty cool song with an
A Capella group from Siena...he is the soloist. Pretty cool! Here is his blog: Needless to say, I am a pretty proud big sister!

Hoping to get a few images up from yesterday's session...we have been busy here and I haven't had time to do a ton of editing!

Have a great Memorial Day!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Little Birdies...

I only have time to post these two shots. They are the same shot, just one is black and white. We had a Garden Party at my niece's house yesterday to celebrate her actual birthday. More pictures from the fun day are to come. This nest was outside (um, that was obvious) on the meter attached to the house. Mamma Birdie swooped in often, and stood watch from the fence a little ways away. She brought wormies several times to her babies! It was a total science lesson, and was a ton of fun to watch.

Also, I have more of KJ that need posted, and need to get some sneak peeks up from the session that I had today! It was a fun BOY session! I feel like I am always shooting girls, so it was a nice change up to have two boys!!! They were full of energy, and the older one, Mr. L has modeling in his future! Have a wonderful weekend!

(Click the image for full view)

To my animal lovers...the baby birdies were never touched, and we were all a safe distance away from them! Just had to throw that in there! We think there were 3-4 in the nest!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Yep, that is her toe...

about to be inserted into her mouth! I guess this is a new habit KJ picked up recently. I have to say, my brother used to suck his toes as if they were thumbs! I am hoping that she prefers the thumb! I will post more later, but had to put this one up! It is too cute! We didn't get to go outside for the session today. At noon it was still only 47 degrees?!?!? It was nicer at six tonight than earlier in the day! What a difference the sun makes!!!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

June Weekends...

are almost filled, and July weekends are starting to book also. I am available during the week, but just wanted to get word out to anyone who was looking to book a summer session! This season passes fast! :)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Father's Day Special

Have you been wanting pictures of your hubby and kids together? Or even Grandpa and your children? Read on...

Here is the scoop:
Where: Toledo Botanical Gardens
When: May 31st, time slots of 9:30, 10:00, 10:30, 11:00
What You Receive: a 25 minute session and CD of 5-10 high quality images mailed to you in both color and black and white, so you can print what your heart desires at a lab of your choice!
Mini-Session Price: $60 (remember, the images are yours!)
The Catch: The session has to have a Dad with his kids or grandkids. Up to 5 people per session. I am hoping to showcase that special relationship between Dads and their kids, so sorry Moms, this session is for Dads only!

SO, if you are interested, act quick. There are only 4 spots available! Email or call, and I will pencil you in, and pen you in once I receive payment for the session in advance! :)

More of KJ

Here are a few more that were edited last night of Miss KJ. Hoping for an outside session on Thursday! :) Fingers crossed for good weather! The first one is a bit different, but I LOVE it! :)

Monday, May 19, 2008

A Posting Fool!

Seriously, two posts in one evening?!?!? What? My husband is playing softball, so it gives me a good chance to sit and go through images that need editing. I came across the following picture. It was taken during the middle of KJ's session. Yes, this is one of the examples of what happens during sessions at my home. Thankfully Aunt L is very cooperative and loves my girls to pieces. Why do I have to post this one? I wish she was in a cuter outfit, I wish her hair was brushed all cute, but this picture shows my Bean's personality. She is wearing her new bathing suit (feeling like Little Mermaid, and posing like her), her eyes are sparkling, but most of all you can see all of her angel kisses. The little red marks between her eyebrows, on the right side of her nose and above her lip. I love these little marks. Every time I "notice" them, I remember the day she was born, and remember falling in love with those little marks and staring in awe at her beauty. I don't notice them as often now. They mainly stand out when she runs around, cries or is sweaty. In this case, she was running around singing, "Part of That World". So, that explains the reasoning behind two posts. I couldn't resist this picture and wanted to share it with all of you!

P.S. Here is one of Cakes from the same day. Her personality shining too...stripping herself down to her onesie by noon, ketchup on her mouth due to unwillingness to cooperate with the wipedown, and CRAZY hair because she never lets anything be in it! "No pony." Those two words are very clear! Love my girls! Thank you God for my blessings!

Birthday Party and Today

Here are a few from the big Birthday Party Saturday night! What a great night it was!!! The one thing I forgot to get pictures of were the beetles that started coming after dark. They were so large, that one of my brothers (Jonah) had a baseball bat and was hitting them out of the air! They were THEE LARGEST beetles I have ever seen with my own two eyes!

Playing Rings with the big guys!

Birthday Girl!

Here G and my Bean were deciding which piece they were going to eat.

Blowing out FOUR BIG candles!


The coveted present - Cash Register. My Cakes would steal this from everyone, and threw a fit if it was taken away from her...she has a birthday coming...I am seriously thinking of getting her this!

These next pictures are killing me! Not really, but I have been trying for weeks now to take pictures of G and C. I wanted to do it for Mother's Day for my sister, and I thought it would be great to take them while I babysit (I watch them once a week). This is my third attempt. The first time, we got to our location and the big girls had to potty...we turned around. The second time the weather was not so delightful. And today, well, it was beautiful, the kids were as cute as can be...but I didn't think that my sister would want my kids hanging on her wall with her kids! I reminded myself why I schedule sessions outside of my house, or while my husband is around to keep the girls at least an arms length away! Juggling four kids on my own and trying to get great pictures is difficult! It was a fun time though. We discovered some new things, and counted it as an adventure! Something about the word "adventure" makes everything more fun! I told my sister that we need to schedule an appointment so we can get their pictures done! So, there are more, but they will be posted at another time!

Here, G was modeling. I think. She kept switching into all these different positions and poses. It was pretty funny!

C-man. Seriously Aunt Tara?!?!? This is NOT fun! Totally what he is thinking!

G, loving it and C, well, not so much!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Check Out My Brother...

Here is a great article on my brother Tyler. He has had a wonderful senior year, and this article highlights all of the great things he has accomplished. Have a great night!

Click Here:Tyler Wells

Saturday, May 17, 2008


My goal is to post at least every other day...something...some sort of picture...even if it is my own kiddos! This will help me practice more and more and learn more and more. So today's post will be of my niece G. Tonight is her party...we are headed there in minutes. I asked her in this picture a couple of weeks ago what she wanted for her birthday..."Umm...A Baby Alive...Just like Beans." :) She is a sweetie! :) Happy Birthday My Sweet Niece! I remember your first cry...the first time I held are a very special girl to me!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Here is the Cutie!

Okay, Miss KJ, is ADORABLE! I am biased, I know! But, seriously, her eyes, her little smile...what a sweetheart! We have to continue our session until next week, so there will be more to come. I am hoping for outside shots. It was a little too windy and a little too cool to take little Missy outside. So, keep checking back to see more. Here are some that jumped out at me right away. I am a sucker for close ups!

She LOVES her Momma! Was the most content during the session when she was in her arms! :)

I LOVE this shows her little chubby rolls and her pretty eyelashes all in one shot! :)

Again here, smiling and laughing at her Momma holding her toy Giraffe...whatever works, right?