Monday, August 31, 2009

Our Small Little House Fire...

Yes, it has been busy around here. Yes, there is never a dull moment. And, yes, I feel more blessed than ever. A week ago from today (Monday), our dryer caught on fire...the day before we were to leave for our mini-vacation.

It was pretty fast and furious, but thankfully with the speedy fire department who were at my house with their hoses in just over 5 minutes from my 911 phone call, it really could have done even more damage.

Now, let me tell you the damage is pretty significant! The laundry room is charred, and the rest of the house is filled with smoke damage. We left last Monday night, not quite knowing what to expect, except that we knew we weren't able to stay in our home. The next morning we met the general contractor bright and early, and things continued to roll from there. We are out of our house for another 4-6 weeks from Wednesday, but we are staying in a beautiful comfy condo...much thanks to my in-laws who live in FL but have this beautiful home here. The girls are comfy here, and we are adjusting. I have learned oh so much through this process, and God has been oh so good to us. We have been learning to be content. For example, we have a limited amount of clothing. It is enough clothing to last a little more than a week, but I have woke up about every morning thinking of, "Oh shoot, wish I had..." fill in the blank! :) And then I am reminded of how much I really do have, and that I need to thank God for all that He has blessed me with and has continued to bless me with.

It was pretty scary. Bean was pretty shaken up, and continues to be. Every odd noise she hears, she questions if it is a fire. She is a little nervous falling asleep at night, worrying that there may be a fire. God is teaching her too, at such a young age, to trust Him and lean on Him for comfort (ummmm...I do have to give a little guidance in that department too!). Cakies refers to our house as the "fire house", as to not confuse anyone when she talks about "home". Tonight was her first night that she whined, "I wish we were in our white fire house," as we passed our neighborhood. I have to add, our house is really a light grey...not sure why she always says "white", just a cute little side note! Geebers is doing okay also. He came down with a cold last week, and actually, I am taking him to the doctors tomorrow to get him checked. He has been batting at his ear, and has been sleeping horribly. Not sure if it is his ear that is causing his rotten sleep, or if it is because we are in a different location.

We are settling in for sure. The condo now looks like kids have lived here for several, crayons, coloring books, stickers! I promise Mom and Dad A that we will have it looking spiffy for when you come to visit! :) I want to thank many of you who have heard for your sweet comments, emails and actions. We have been given toys to borrow, books to use, coloring stuff, a crib and lots and lots of LOVE!

Tom is doing well also. He has been a super trooper help, as I am lacking in sleep, and also lacking in routine and consistency. I have thrown myself a few pity parties, selfish I know, but have tried very hard to remain positive, and focus on being so grateful that no one was hurt and that the damage could have been way worse. God is also teaching me patience...daily. There have been some really, really ugly moments and I am having to really, really work hard and I really, really haven't done fabulous every time...but I am praying and working on it, knowing that He is molding me into what He wants me to be. And, I truly believe and know that God is good...all the time. He is our Rock and our Comforter, and we are leaning on Him to carry us through.

A fun positive: I will be returning to a beautifully restored home, with new paint, carpet, mattresses, clean air ducts, industrialized clean clothes and many other positives! :)

To those of you waiting for your sessions to be finished, I thank you so very much from the bottom of my little ole heart for your patience and understanding. I have been working very hard to try and get caught up, and promise that I will continue to work until all is finished!

And another note, fall sessions are really starting to if you are interested, please let me know soon!

Lastly, here are a few sneak peeks from a week ago of my besties little babes, just a few days younger than Geebers...Mr. E! :)

I LOVE all of these...his smile is so contagious, and he is so darn cute! Happy almost 8 months little guy!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Miss A...

Wanted to get these up real quick, because I know that Momma A has been waiting. This session was awesome. Not only did I get to reconnect with an old classmate, but we got to reconnect on a whole new level! God has such perfect timing, and it smacked me in the face last Sunday. I normally don't do Sunday sessions, it was a last minute session, and I am so glad that it all played out the way it did. A, I can't thank you enough for such a great time that afternoon. It was an ABSOLUTE pleasure meeting the rest of your family, capturing little Miss A, and catching up with you. I look forward to meeting up with you and your kids soon! :) Hope you enjoy these few peaks!

I love the color of this one with the tattoo and Daddy holding his little princess...

Sweet little smile...

Staring up at the sky light...

More to come...I am full of stories! :) Have a great weekend!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Hang With Me Please...

I have lots to share, but right now I need to work on editing, more than I can actually write and blog. We have had a crazy week, and I promise I will share more soon. Have a great weekend!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Busy Weekend...

It was another busy weekend here at our house. Never a dull moment, that is for sure! Wanted to post a couple shots of two cutie pies that I had the opportunity to capture early Saturday morning...just after the rain (thankfully!) and in the cool of the morning. Was it just me, or did it seem like Fall was visiting this weekend?!?!?! Anyways, Miss R and Mr. B were fabulously cute little ones, and I so enjoyed the time I got to spend with this cute family! Alright, enough they are...

Mr. B...such a sweet tempered little one...

Miss R...was a fun little two year old...I have more shots of her from behind than I do of her cute little face...

...but I did get this cute little it!

Can't wait to share more from this weekend...I had a unexpectedly blessed day to love God and His great timing!

Off to bed...before midnight...whoooo-hoooooo! Now only to hope that my little Cakies doesn't wander into my room 4 times throughout the night because she misses me. My weary eyes barely are able to walk her back to her room, and by the 4th time (or when it is getting close to 6:00) I grab her and snuggle her in bed with us for the last hour or so of sleep. Any suggestions on keeping her in her room all night long, so I don't have to continually drag myself out of bed, walk (grogily stumble) her to her room, and then be sure to give her a thumbs up from my doorway so she knows all is well???? And really, I am super lucky if I get out of having to sing "Silent Night" (yes, that is her bedtime song every night since last December...she insists!) in a whispery voice in the middle of the night at who knows what time! Ahhhhh...I know...I will miss this...but my continous lack of continuous sleep is going to make me crazy sometime soon! :)

Seriously, done complaining, and seriously...I am going to bed! Have a great week...and stay tuned for more sneak peeks!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Another Blue Eyed Beauty...

This little lady graced my pages a year and a half ago as just a wee one. She has been back on here several times, and always stuns me with her cuteness. This session was no different. Okay, it was a little different. It was smokin' hot outside, with unbelievable humidity, even early in the morning, and my baby sister came along with me on the shoot. She was a second shooter for me, and it was exciting to have her along. She had a blast, and is excited to look through and edit her shots! Miss E, you are a trooper, and your blue eyes and pigtails add to that cute little personality. I have said it before, and I will say it again (and again and again, I am sure)...I LOVE my repeat clients! It is so fun to watch them grow into fun, spunky, sweet little ones! And, Mom, I want to thank you for your patience in viewing sneak has been several days, I know! :)

Miss E always seems to wind up in momma's arms, and it is the best chance to get a good close up of her sweet little face.

Peek - a - the end of the session.

..."Are you still following me?"...

...all smiles....

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Long Awaited Session...

This family session FINALLY happened! We were postponed due to rain a couple of weeks ago, and then postponed Saturday afternoon to Sunday morning due to the EXTREME heat and humidity we were having Saturday. The vision of happy cooperative kids in the 90+ heat and humidity, just wasn't really working in either A's or my own we waited...and I am glad that we did. We were able to capture some great shots of the family, and fun one of the two boys! I have truly grown to love this family, and these boys. P was just a wee one when I started doing their pictures...remember this one, take a look at the one where P is crying on the red that one, and was just reminded of it by A! :) Anyways, it has been so fun to see them grow, and I look forward to continuing working with these cuties! You all were fun to work with, and it was especially fun have C there this time too! Hope you enjoy the peaks...

Mr. D...was such a great sport on this early morning!

Mr. P...such a sweetie!

The super cute family...

This one is weighing in as a my favorite from this session so far...of course...I am not too far into the session! :)

Oh yeah, this one runs right up there with a hard to pick when they are so darn cute!

Whooooo-Hoooooo! Off to bed I go...let's hope for some sleeping in from my kiddos!

Meet Miss K

Oh my goodness...I was continuously gushing over this little girls eyes. I couldn't believe, well, I could, since they are just like her momma's, but seriously, so beautiful, so cute! Miss K was beyond fabulous to work with! She was totally cooperative, smiley, and even put up with the heat and humidity! J and J, thank you for allowing me the opportunity to capture your sweet family and beautiful daughter!

I LOVE this one in black and white...

...but you don't get to see the pretty blues, like you do in color!



...and full of expressions!

Still one more post to put up tonight...and that is just covering through the weekend...had another cutie today, those will have to wait!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Bedford Senior Session...

Here a few quick shots from a Senior session from last week. The weather cooperated perfectly, thankfully, since it was the second try at the session! Thanks for being such a trooper traveling around town for these shots!

Friday, August 14, 2009

September Mini-Sessions...

Mark your calendars, because this is a day you don't want to miss! I am teaming up with my sister's business, The Little White Barn's Barn Sale, for a fun day of shopping, mini-sessions and there will also be a free full session giveaway drawing that will be drawn at the end of the day. Of course, you will have to be there to enter! (Though not present to win!)

Here is the scoop...

When: September 12th, 2009

Where: Well, at The Little White Barn, of course. It is a super duper cool setting that I am personally attached to and LOVE! Please email me for exact address and directions! (I know, I am weird about posting those types of things for all to see on the internet...that is just me though!)

What: I am offering 20 minute mini sessions throughout the day. You have two options, come shop and wait your turn for a mini-session...OR...and I personally would suggest this option as the best an appointment now to reserve yourself your spot and have no wait time, and then do some great shopping afterwards! :)

Mini-Session Fee: $20 - session can have up to 5 people. You will receive an online gallery of at least 10 proofs for you to order from.

BONUS: If you book by September 5th, you will also receive a $10 print credit towards purchasing your prints. Seriously, you can't beat that! :)

Another bonus...not only will The Little White Barn be there, but there will also be jewelry from PLAINJANE HANDMADE JEWELRY, as well as other fun goodies that you won't want to miss out on!

Another side note...this would be a great opportunity to get your family/kids pictures taken for Christmas Cards...think, no rushing at the end of the year! :)

Session times will start at 9:00 with a new one starting every 30 minutes that morning...I will have to block out a few different times throughout the day...I still have this little guy in my life who is still completely attached to me.

Awwww...I just thought, if you come that day, you will get to meet all my cuties...because they will be there helping out! :)

Okay, I think that is all...first come first serve with booking a time! :) Oh yes, please go check out my sister's stuff...super cool!

And...just a few quick shots of my mom, "Mimi" and Cakies from our wedding weekend away a couple of weekends ago...this has been a super busy summer!

This was between wedding and reception. I wanted to get shots of the girls together, but Beanie was less than cooperative. She was looking at the pictures with me yesterday, and asked why she wasn't smiling in any of the pictures...I reminded her. I will have to post a pouty one sometime soon...but to bed I go now! :)

And, yes...that really is my mom...she really did have NINE kids...and she really does look like she could be my sister...we hear it all the time!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

15% off Gallery Wraps...

The lab I use is running another special...Gallery Wraps any size are 15% off until Sunday, August 15th. If you are interested, please email me, and I will place the order for you. In doing so, I will need to know early Sunday morning if you are interested to give me time to get the order in! Hope you are all having a great day!

We have made a cake for my big sister's special Birthday today, played in the "baby" pool, sprinklers, had a picnic lunch and even enjoyed some cake with a big chunk of the gang today! Summer temps are finally here, and we have been enjoying them as much as we are able too!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Perfectly Pregnant Sisters

These two beauties are only 11 days apart! How fun! I was lucky to go through two pregnancies with my sister at just 2 months apart...I have to say that I was on the better side of the 2 months...I got to be all done and she had to keep truckin' through her last two months! :)

Anyways, I went to high school with M, and played volleyball and softball with her. She is the sweetest, cutest thing, and has a gorgeous belly with not a single stretch mark (not fair, by the way). And her sister H, just like M, has no stretch marks, they both have skinny little legs, arms and rears...I wish that was how I grew when I am pregnant. I think about getting pregnant and I gain 5 pounds that cling to my rear end for the next 5 years! ;)

H...the older sister due 11 days before M...

The beautiful bellies together...

Isn't it cool to see how differently two sisters, pretty much the same height can carry babies so differently...loved this session!

M's belly from her point of view...

M with her husband this one! :)

Tiny little pink baby booties waiting to be filled!

Thanks again ladies! I look forward to meeting your little ones again, but just outside of your bellies! Enjoy the rest of your will be here in no time!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Mr. J is a Senior...

J is a cousin of my husband's, and if you have ever seen my husband, you would definitely say that he and J look very much alike. Throughout the session, I felt like I was looking back 12 years ago through my lens at my Tom. The similar expressions were really what killed me! Anyways, I have known J since he was 4 and feisty! He didn't care too much for me back then, because I took Tom away from having fun (4 year old fun) at family functions. I believe when Aunt Janet used to tell him that Tom would be there he would reply with, "Is he bringing that girl?" Hahahahaha! I am that girl! I am hoping he likes me a little better now! ;)

Anyways, it really was fun doing a session with him. Such a great young man, and of course I had lots of laughs with Aunt Janet. Thanks for coming all the way here for the session! Here are a few sneak peeks...

So far, this one is my favorite!

You are not seeing double, the next two are the same picture, just with a different effect on them...I can't decide which one I like better...the top one with more bold contrasting or the bottom one which looks a little softer...

Hope you are having a great weekend. Our pool party has been delayed due to the beautiful gloom that has been hanging over us. I think the kids will swim no matter what later though...and I am secretly hoping that I don't have to...I think that will be a Dad thing! ;)