Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Miss Baby J...

This is my apology to my good friends, C and R for waiting over a WEEK for a sneak peek! So sorry, but right now I feel like I am just keeping my head above water with all of the editing, sessions, orders and all else going on! That isn't a complaint, I am thankful that God has blessed this little business of "mine", and I am thankful for all the great people I have been able to meet the past 10 months. You all become my "friends", even if I only spent an hour or so with you!

Here are a few sneak peeks. Beans helped pick out which images to do a quick edit on, and put up for a peak. "Nope, not cute. Oh yeah, that one looks good." It was pretty sweet. After all, she was my assistant that afternoon, along with Cakies. They did a great job listening and helping, up until the very end. Who could blame a 4 and 2 year old for getting bored after an hour? I did treat them to extra play time on the playground, so all was well then!

Okay, here they are...

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