Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Weekend Sessions

I love this little man! Mr. Q turned one a couple of weeks ago. He is the son of a good friend, and he has the best personality ever...tons of smiles, laughs, giggles and lots of moving! It was a little gloomy and a tad chilly the afternoon of this session, but so far they are turning out great!

I love this blue bridge...


cute faces...


...and flat out adorable! I could eat his cuteness!

Turned out to be a beautiful day. Warmer, but a little windy...but that made for some cool shots! Here is the beautiful "B" family, who are great friends. You have seen Miss A on here before...she is getting so big, and will be a big sister in the beginning of January! :)

Her pigtails crack me them!

Baby "B"

I love the next two...we kept asking A to kiss the baby, or touch the baby...

...she found the baby! Too sweet.

The picture this session was done for...

So, that is the weekend. Still have plenty of proofing to do, and I need to do it quick! :) Two family sessions tomorrow (supposed to be warmer and sunny!!!!), two on Saturday and one on, there will be plenty to look at for the next week!

And, for those of you wondering how I am doing, but mainly how much longer I have to go...10 weeks from today is my scheduled the count down is on. I always feel like the pregnancy flies once I hit that mark. I am feeling great, looking large, and getting more and more excited every day to meet the little one inside. I am hoping to have my husband take a turn as photographer within the next couple of weeks to get a few shots of my belly with my girls. If I like them, I will post them! ;) I am getting the urge to "nest" a bit, but haven't had a whole lot of time to do so. I want to clean closets, organize rooms, drawers, and get all of our neutral clothing ready to go...rambling...if you kept reading, your the best! :)

Have a good day!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

To my weekend sessions...

Sorry your sneak peeks aren't up yet...very busy here...but they will be up within the next day or so! Thanks for you patience!

And if you are coming just for a peak at some are a few favorites from last week...

Saturday, October 25, 2008


So yesterday's session...postponed for a week...bummer, but at least had time to reschedule.

This morning's session...postponed to actually what works out better for everyone! :)

This afternoon...still on, and I am excited!

And, tomorrow...full go also...looks like a great day tomorrow with some extra wind! :)

I am excited that it all worked out, as you can tell by my title!

Stay tuned for sneak peeks from this weekend!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Rain, Rain....

Go are ruining my session today!

Hoping it goes away for tomorrow too...not a ton of room to reschedule those sessions...but if so, we will make it work! :)

Hope your day is brighter than it is outside!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Mr. A is a Senior...

I have known "A" and his family since I was young, and he was just a tiny little thing. I haven't seen the family in quite some time, but ran into his mom, "B" at the MFM doctor office when we were getting our ultrasound (she was my nurse). We did a little catching up, and were able to catch up even more at the session on Monday. I was somewhat shocked when I saw Mr. A on Monday! He stepped out of the car, and I couldn't believe how much older he looked! What a sweet young man, and I was totally privileged to do his senior session! :) Hope you enjoy your sneak peeks!

So far (which I am not far!), this is my favorite...

Love the color of the leaves in this one...

Handsome young man...


To post a few shots from the Senior session on Monday, BUT, my computer is acting up, I am up WAY TOO late as it is, and my patience...well, it is very thin! I am calling it a night!

Hope to get some up tomorrow...during "rest" time! :)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A Posting Fool...

Since my session this morning was postponed, I decided to use that time to get more work done! I finished my family session from last week...with breaks for breakfast, playing ghost, playing pretend daughter, and listening to the girls work out some of their disagreements. I have some more favorites from that session to post. Mr. A's senior session went well yesterday. Thankfully the rain and dark gloomies held off until after the dinner hour. It was a beautiful day, and I am so glad we were able to get the session completed. What a sweet young man...his sneak peeks are going to have to wait though! ;)

A few more of the "B" family...

Love this family one...

And love the red tree...

Brotherly love...

Momma with her baby boy...

Happy Birthday...

To my Husband! 30 years today!!! I hope you have a wonderful day and another year filled with lots of love and laughs! I love you!

Pic from his party Friday night with his two girlies. Bean blew the candles out before he had a chance.

Note: remember me saying that my fridge is going to become even more claustrophobic? You can see it there in the background...paintings, drawings, crafts (from preschool), our leaf collection, magnets, ABC letters, u/s pics of new baby...Ha, I love it! :)

A little family session today is postponed due to a little one becoming sick and needing to go to the doctor...hope she will be okay! And, still can't wait to meet that beautiful family! :)

Have a good day!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Here they are...

The first session...Baby C. She isn't so much of a baby anymore, but the first time I photographed this little cutie she was only 6 weeks old. It is amazing how fast they grow...and she even started walking at 9 months! YIKES! She is a super sweet little thing that gave me several hugs and made my morning! Her Mom is also beyond sweet, and I am sure I have said before, but have known her for a HUGE chunk of my life! So here is Miss C now, cute as a button!

I am in LOVE with these next two...

My next session was in Troy, MI. It was quite a hike, but it well worth it. This little boy, Mr. J. was beyond adorable. He was shy at the first 3 minutes, and then talked so much and instantly became my little buddy! He loved his library books, and wanted to show me and "read" me the story about Curious George. He totally won my heart over! Here is Mr. J!

I love this shot...he was having so much fun with his mom throwing leaves in the air! Too sweet!

Reading to me...

His construction hat...

I do have some pictures to post of my dear husband and the girls from this weekend. We had his 30th birthday party Friday night, and his real b-day is tomorrow! :) It was a fun, low-key (what he wanted) evening, and I think he had a great time!

Off to pick up Beans from preschool, and then on to a Senior Session!


I got an email this morning from a faithful blog reader that I have been MIA this week! We have just been SUPER busy...but, there should be sneak peeks up today from this weekend's beautiful sessions! Thanks to everyone who keeps checking in is nice to know that there are readers! :) Stay tuned! :)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Well, my husband was asked to stay another full day at NYC, which is a bummer. The girls wouldn't have been able to see him tonight, but I would have...such is life. On the positive side, it gave me a chance tonight to get a few peeks from this weekends family session posted. This family is so very sweet. The momma, D, and I are in the same play group together. Her oldest and my Cakies are just about 6 weeks apart. We met when we were both pregnant. Her two boys are so sweet, and I had a great time following them around capturing them in action. Thanks "B" family for putting up with the unusually warm weather for October, and the CRAZY amounts of mosquitoes.

Mr. B...full of energy, and curiosity!

I love this...seeing his littleness walking around getting ready to enter the path of beautiful trees. I walked through pretty quick, but S (dad) and R took their time and ended up seeing a deer! :)

The big brother...Mr. R. D found a cool tree for the boys to play in and climb on! :)

Isn't he super cute??

The adorable family...

I laugh a little at the family picture because D's coloring and dark hair didn't get passed on to her little munchkins...very much like my little family. You would think that the dark genes would be dominating, but obviously not! Beans looks similar to me when I was younger, but has the coloring of my husband through and through. So many think she looks very much like him. Then Cakes, is a shrunken down image of my husband...BUT...she does have a bit more of my coloring than Beans! :) I take claim to as much as I can, but basically, I am just a great incubator! Curious to see who this next one will look like! :) Enough of my rambling...headed to bed...late again! :)

My complaint...

Why in the world are the bird-sized-man-eating mosquitos still attacking and swarming in the middle of October like it is the middle of July? Seriously? I have at least 9 bites from my session yesterday, and the poor family that the session was with were TOTAL troopers to fight through the nastiness of them. Gross. And then tonight, as I was getting out of our van, we were under attack again! Hmmm...does frost help this? If so, I say bring on the snow! ;)

Finishing up the beautiful family session from last weekend, and am anxious to get those proofs out. I promise I will have some sneak peeks up from Sunday's family session soon. Not promising tomorrow, because I already promised my little Bean that we would spend all day playing, cleaning (yes, she likes to clean), riding bikes and just hanging out. I spent WAY too much time on the computer working today. I told Bean that I felt like I wasn't as good of a mommy as I could be today and that tomorrow will be better. I don't think it affected her too much because her response was, "Yeah, you should buy me those pink pants that I didn't get tonight, tomorrow." I explained to her that me not buying the pink pants isn't what I could have improved upon today, and told her that I missed her and wanted to spend some time with her and Cakes without the extra interruptions that we have had. The sweetness of a four year old. Both of my girlies are missing their daddy...we have had tears, tantrums and general wondering of when daddy will be home. This is the short trip to NYC...left early (4 am) this morning and is home LATE tomorrow they won't see him until Wednesday evening. I am anticipating another day of the general blues tomorrow...another reason, I won't be "working" at all! Little do they know that the week long trip to TX will be coming in a couple of weeks. That should be fun...blah! I miss him too...

Off to bed shortly, I hope, and probably not back here until Wednesday afternoon. Have a great week!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Going to...

The BIG House tomorrow! It is supposed to be a beautiful day! :) I will be happy with the outcome no matter what...UT (my alum) vs. UM (favorite team we always cheer on...although this has been U-G-L-Y!)

Looking forward to a fun family session on Sunday and a senior session on Monday! :) The leaves are becoming more and more beautiful every day...I love Fall! :)

Will leave you with this little beauty...have a great weekend!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A Few More Favorites...

From the cousin sessions on Saturday...

Love this one...

Sweet Smiley Boy...

This one I think is how Mom is laughing, and baby S is smiling right along...

No need for words on why this one made it on here...

Cousins Together (Mr. D was about done by this point...but he still did great!)

Have a good day!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

The "H" Family

Here are a few quick ones! All three of these kiddos have DAZZLING blue eyes, and sweet little personalities! The kids made me laugh because they wanted to go to the "park", you know the real park with the swings. They really didn't care to walk around and see the beauty all over...unless there were bugs, or critters. And, we did run into some critters! While near a fountain, the kids found a frog. Gross! They picked it up, and I was going to try to get a picture of little Miss L holding it, and BOOM the sucker jumped, and I screamed...LOUD! Needless to say, I didn't get the picture! Enjoy some of your sneak peeks! Thanks again for a fun afternoon!

Miss E is ONE!

I had to put this picture we were walking, we saw the end of a wedding, but most importantly a horse and carriage. The older kids were captivated, so I told them I would get a shot with them and the horse...even though the horse was so far away...still turned out cute!

Mr. N...the leader of the pack!

Miss L...such a little peanut.

Completing the family, Miss E...the BIG GIRL ONE YEAR OLD!

On their way to find bugs...

Who the cute kiddos with beautiful blue eyes come from...