Sunday, May 31, 2009

Oh my golly...

Those three words remind me of my Grannie, who I get to see at the end of this week!!!! Yippee!!! Anyways, those three words also are an excellent use of words for this little sweet 3 week old baby girl, Miss E. Oh my golly...her cheeks, her lips, her little fingers, little smiles...I had a terribly hard time picking out which pictures to share here on the blog. She is just precious. It was also so fun to meet her, because her momma and I used to go to church it was fun to see her little family and her...because it has been so long! Her older sister, A, purchased a photo session and print credit for a baby shower gift for when Miss E arrived. I thought it was a perfect idea! ;) I won't leave you waiting any is the sweet little scrumptious thing!

She was seriously smiling in her sleepiness...
...I love perspective shots...her tiny little finger clingy to mommy's...

...cheeks, lips, preciousness...

...the little smile again...

I included this one of Miss E's grandma. Visiting from California, I somewhat convinced them to get a few quick shots with Miss E. It was sweet to meet them, and it was fun having them there watching, and ooooing and aaahhhhing over the little bundle of sweetness. I knew when I snapped this one it was going to be precious...

...does anyone get tired of seeing baby feet? Not me!

...just relaxing on her momma's shoulder.

So fun! S, I hope that you enjoy the peeks, and I will let you know when your gallery is complete! Thanks for letting me come to your home to capture your little lady!

AND, if anyone is wishing to purchase as session for someone, family, doggie ;0, I will custom make a gift card for you to give as a gift to a loved one! Just email and ask about it!

That is it for tonight. I do have sneak peeks yet to post from a beautiful senior session that I had Saturday morning...couldn't have asked for a prettier girl, or more perfect morning!

Seriously, I am done writing now! :)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

More to come...(Updated)


Here are a few more sneak peeks of the cutie pies! Here is Mr. B, inside his Momma's belly...his first shoot. And here the two kiddos are again when B was just 6 weeks old. And, now they are both a whole year older, and oh so cute! I love, love, love repeat kiddos! :)

...but this is my favorite one from my afternoon session this weekend. Mr. B is SO big now...almost one year old. His first photo session was when he was in his momma's belly (I will link it later). And, Miss S is still as cute as ever...but you will see more of her later also! For now, just this one...
I favorites aren't always client favorites, but I love the look on B's face and the way he had just attacked her when we were trying to get them to do something different. So very sweet!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Cakies Is Three!

My little Cake-a-roni is three today! And, although her party isn't until Friday, we celebrated from the moment she woke up. Bean and I sang to her as she walked into the family room...and her response..."No singing to me!" She isn't the most pleasant when she wakes up, it takes about a half hour until she is her sweet sassy self! We snuggled, and then when I asked her what she wanted to do today, because it was HER day..."Red Robin!" Ummmm, well, that will be dinner my dear! "Chuckin Cheese", was the next response, so we got the cheese out of the fridge and threw it around the house! HA! I do make myself giggle! Okay, so I talked her out of Chuck-E-Cheese. We then decided on the park...and then I opened the was wet and rainy. We weren't off to that great of a start!

So, I suggested she pick out an outfit, and we do a quick birthday photo shoot...and she could even sit on the table. This sparked a happy spot, mainly because she could sit and lay on the table like a centerpiece!

After pictures, we played games, and then I thought of giving the girls pedicures and manicures. They LOVED it! It was the full work up...soak, wash, scrub, nail trim, lotion, massage and of course a fresh coat of paint. It was a complete highlight! We took a walk around the neighborhood with umbrellas even though the rain had stopped.

Dinner at Red Robin, and then on to Beanie's soccer game, and followed by an ice cream treat and a visit with great friends!

All in all, I think Cakies had a great day...I know I did! Hard to believe that three years have passed, and my baby girl, is no longer a baby, nor a toddler. She is a complete spark in all of our lives. She keeps us laughing, snuggling, playing, (sometimes pulling our hair out...but I won't speak of such things on this day!) and most of all...she has brought us more love to our family. I remember being first pregnant with her, and worrying that I wouldn't be able to love her the way I loved Bean...I should never have worried. We fell in love with her from the first moment we saw her, and the love we have for her is infinite.

Sweet Cakies, I love you...someday, you will understand the love I have in my heart for you when you have a sweet little one of your own to love. "I love you all the way up to Jesus...and back."

Here are a few pictures for your enjoyment!

Bean couldn't stand the thought of missing out on the table laying!

Story time: Tom and I could be charged for defacing money. Such a crime. Fortunately, it wasn't us! Yesterday afternoon we were getting ready to go to Mimi's house (my mom). Tom and I were upstairs, and Cakes comes up with money in her hand asking if she could take it with her. Tom told her, "Sure, but put it in your pocket so you don't lose it." (I am making a long story short, because really she came upstairs whining and wailing away because she could only find one of her moneys from Grannie Wells, and she wanted the others and carried on for about 5 minutes with this nonsense...and then after going on a search, she found the others...okay back to story.) So she left. She then returns with a whiny little voice, "My can't get the moneys in my pocket. I made them small. I wipped them all up, but I can't do it!" My reaction, "You ripped the money?" I think my face scared her more than anything, and she quickly realized that she shouldn't have ripped it up, and she was feeling quite sad. Lots of snuggles and explanations later, she was a-ok. Thankfully it wasn't the $20 bill she had brought up originally, and thankfully I put that up high so she didn't try to put it in her pocket.

This is what I found on the bottom of our steps:

I personally think that each piece should be worth about 10 cents, since she ripped it into ten pieces...the other dollar is ripped into 5 or those are worth even more!

And, yes, I know this has nothing to do with Cakes, but my Little Man was so darn cute in all of his nakedness yesterday that I couldn't pass up the opportunity to capture the cute little, chubby, dimpled buns of my four and a half month old! Tom cringed at the thought of me posting this...I will delete someday when LM is in Junior High when the kids somehow go through a particularly mean stage!

He seriously loves being naked...and just airing himself out! :)

Off to bed I shall head!

Maternity Session and Miss Z

I had a great time Saturday morning meeting this beautiful maternity momma! I could hardly believe my eyes...she had a perfectly shaped belly, with perfect skin and is due July 1st. It is a little unfair to be this cute this far along in pregnancy! And her daughter, Miss Z, was so much fun the entire time. I loved their house, their was the perfect setting! In fact, I loved so much of it, I asked if I could bring future clients...and she obliged! :)

Loved this yellow door...

...and this cute little face.

Where's the baby?

I am in love with the sweetness of this image...

...and this one too...

Perfectly pregnant!
Today is Cakies birthday, and I have a fun post to hopefully get up here tonight. We are off to dinner at Red Robin (kids all time favorite), then to Bean's soccer game, and then a little ice cream celebration afterwards. Busy night, but wouldn't have it any different!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Thank You...

To all the men and women who have and who are serving our country, I thank you. Thank you for sacrificing for us....and thank you to the families who are here waiting on their loved ones return. Your sacrifice is also greatly appreciated. Many prayers to all of you on this wonderful Memorial Day.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Mr. B is ONE!

I had such a great time at this session. One, the little guy was adorable, smiley, and had those beautiful blue eyes that sparkle and shimmer and melt your heart. Two, I got to catch up with an old friend that I haven't seen or talked to really in the past 10 years or so. J and I went to high school together, and played softball together. She cracked me up then, and continued to crack me up at the session. It was so fun to see her as a momma, and see how in love she is with her gorgeous son. I came home from the session beaming, because it was so great to see J (and her mom). What a great family! J, here are a few sneak peeks. I am so glad we found each other on fb, and I am so glad that I had the opportunity to capture your little guy for you! Hope you enjoy, and I will let you know when your gallery is ready!

Super sweet piggies...

Love, love, love his hairdo! :)

He was covered in red frosting from his cake. I know it was messy, but it was perfect...the bright colors of the frosting made the pictures even better! Bathtime was a must after this though!

Loved this little can see the laughter starting, and then turning into a big belly laugh!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Welcome Baby M, Loved by Siblings C and R

Welcome to the world, little Baby M! He is absolutely adorable, and absolutely adored by his big sister and big brother. It was so fun to hold his littleness, and see his sweet just 13 days old! Loved it! Thanks B for letting me come meet your newest one, and visit and capture your "big" ones again!

M was just snoozin' away...

Love this one...don't they look like they are just adoring every little piece of him!

Loved this brown satin blanket...

Sweet little feet, and cute little rounded up buns...

You all know, and if you don't, you do now...I love baby wearing! Before I left, I was helping B out with the Moby Wrap (which, B, you knew exactly what to do), so I had to catch one of these! AND, not fair to look this beautiful only 13 days after having your baby...she was so put together, unlike myself, I think I was still in p.j's at that stage!

Big brother and Big Sister with their sparkly blue eyes!

To bed I go...have a great night!


We have been busy in our household! I have many sessions with sneak peeks to post, lots of editing to do, and of course being a momma of three brings busyness in itself! Right now, my girlies are with my in laws, and Little Man is snoozin' next to, with that being said, I am going to work some more and hopefully get to a point where I am feeling a little caught up! Have a great weekend, and stay tuned for some cutie patooties!!!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I had a Runner...

That is what I like to call these little ones... know, where you see them from behind more often than you do from the front!

But, Runner's give you pictures like this...

...and you can't ask for anything better than this...

AND, if you think this little face looks oh so familiar from a session just a few weeks ago, well these little guys are cousins...but I swear they could be brothers! Adorable as ever! Thanks for a fun session N! I enjoyed getting to capture Mr. M once again! Enjoy!