Thursday, November 13, 2008

I'm Editing...

...but I had to take a quick break to write the cuteness that came out of my Beans today. We were coloring (what day don't we?), and she was working on a special picture for me. I was working on the big Cinderella poster (that she wants to hang in our media room...Tom's room in the basement...don't think it is going to fit so well with the UM decor!) coloring the grass green. It was the only part left, she wanted it colored, but she didn't want to do it. She is very controlling over these posters that she got from her birthday, and gives strict instructions as to what colors she wants where. She is also VERY good about letting Cakes color. Cakes doesn't stay in the lines at all, so it takes much self control and self talk to convince herself that it is okay. She is a sweetie! Okay back to the coloring. Cakes woke up from her nap and wanted to join in. She of course wanted to color the grass her own choice, but we convinced her green was a good a choice. Cakes is coloring (scribbling very hard, pointing out to me that she uses her left hand I use my right and then tries to switch which makes things worse...convinced her to use her left...sorry about the tangent!) and is in the right spot making dark green grass. My coloring is very light green...the lighter the faster right? Bean looks over and notices. "Hey Mom, it is okay that your grass is colored light and Cakies is dark." I agreed, and she was quiet for about 30 seconds. Then she adds, "Cakes grass just has fertilizer on it, and yours doesn't, but it still looks good." Then back to her project.

What FOUR year old thinks of fertilizer on the grass making it greener?? Only a suburban one for sure! Alright, break over!


Anonymous said...

OMGosh! What a hoot! That mind is ALWAYS churning! And, she is a wonderful BIG SIS! I am very proud of her!
I LOVE it!
Thanks for sharing!

Lindsay Wells said...

That is absolutely hilarious Only N would say that. I can't stop laughing. Kids say the funniest things.
Love you all :)