Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Still here...

Still cooking! I had my nst/bpt testing done Monday (and they forgot to do the second part on Monday, so had to go back yesterday to get it done...long story.) Anyways, the baby is still doing well. Scored a 10 out of 10, and still has plenty of fluid to keep-a-growin'! So we are still holding strong. Although the idea of the baby coming early is so tempting in my brain, I do know the longer the baby is inside the better (to a point right?) and I have EVERYTHING all planned to go for the 7th, that an early arrival would throw things off. :) Of course, I also know that I am not the Great Planner, so we will just wait and see what He has in store. :)

On a somewhat different note, my little Beans is starting to have a few meltdowns. Mainly at night, when she is tired, and she is putting two and two, her momma won't be home when she needs her at night. She will be fine, I know. But, just keep my little girls in your prayers as they go through this adjustment time as well.

We have been very low key lately, just hanging out at home, playing games and relaxing with each other. It has been wonderful to just "play" without having to "have" to do something. Well, I would write more, but Cakes just yelled out, "Mom, wipe me!" Which means she stripped down (completely) and went poop on the toilet. Yea! for pooping on the toilet...only change a poopy diaper a time or two throughout the just the potty part! :)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy, happy, and healthy 2009 to you all.. I'm hoping #3 waits til the 7th! Otherwise, our best laid plans will be out of kilter, also..! ;-)
Lots of love and prayers,