Friday, December 26, 2008

Blue or Pink...

What is your guess? Like the blog colors??? I would say guess the date, but that isn't really fair, because it won't be any later than January 7th...if I make it that far! I had a twinge of jealousy just a few minutes ago when I found out another prego lady who was due right about the same time as myself, HAD HER BABY yesterday. What a sweet Christmas present that is, huh? Oh well, suppose it is best that my little one is still cooking away.

We had a wonderfully relaxing Christmas yesterday. Cakes actually understood Christmas and the meaning of Christmas this year. "Happy Birthday Jesus" was heard from her several times. Of course, she slipped up a time or two and would say "Happy Birthday Santa!" We all laughed. We had a birthday cake for Jesus and the we all sang. We have a special little song that we sing after Happy Birthday at our house, basically "wishing you one hundred more (birthdays)" and Beans made sure that we sang that part too. It was pretty cute. The girls had a blast, and Beans was SO excited that Santa had left her presents. I think she knew that she had been a turkey for several days in a row. Can't fault her too much though, that is what happens when she doesn't go to bed on schedule and when life gets a little of kilter with all the events.

It has been great seeing my younger brother Lucas, who has been home since the 15th, so we have had several gatherings at my mom's. The last hurrah is Sunday, a farewell party for him. He won't be back until July, so we will all miss him very much. Thank goodness for all the great technology to keep in touch though.

My older brother Ryan, had an appendectomy yesterday. He went to the hospital in the morning with severe pain, and sure enough he needed it removed. What a great Christmas for him...could have been worse I suppose. He is doing well, but please keep him in your prayers.

Today, I was a little bird preparing my nest. It isn't finished, but a great start for sure. All of our Christmas decor is down, packed, and we sang farewell to our tree until next year. Beans of course was very upset...the whole change thing always throws her off. She did a great job helping, and it really didn't take too long to get things back to "normal" in the house. And, before anyone says, "Bah Hum Bug" to me...I have had my decorations up since November 15th...a little early, but I love them so much, and I knew that I would want them down immediately after we did enjoy them for quite a lengthy amount of time! :)

Cakes is still sleeping, Beans is waiting for the computer to play LPS VIP on the computer, and Tom, well my guess is he is still konked out on the couch. Hope you all had a great Christmas, and are still celebrating and enjoying the season.

12 days to go... ;)


Diana said...

Blue.....I *heart* the change in colors :)

Anonymous said...

Okay...I was going to ask if you got all your Christmas stuff down. I knew you were anxious. I think mine is going to start coming down tomorrow.

This is my guess Jonah and I think that you are having a GIRL :) But...boy or girl the little one needs a name!!!

Talk to you later Linds

Anonymous said...

Healthy and happy baby and Momma, that's what I want ... I love my 2 girls so much, that if we have another girl, that's another one to love! It really doesn't matter to me! :)

Tara Zornow, Southeast Michigan Photographer said...

I'm guessing blue! But I'm only right 50% of the time. ;)