Monday, May 5, 2008

So it isn't Sunday...

but, it is EARLY Monday, and I haven't slept yet, and it still feels like "today" so it counts as Sunday and that was my goal in getting more pictures posted! It was hard to choose which ones to post, but it would take FOR-EV-ER to post all of my favorites. Here are just a few. So many things about the little newborn that are so fresh, and uplifting, and only come with the first couple weeks of flaky skin!!!! :)

Can you believe all of the hair???? I LOVE it!!!!

Told you there are so many things that I love about newborns...including their "button" as we say in our home. So stinkin' tiny and new!

The beautiful, happy family!

I love the little fuzz on the back...

I posted this one so you could get a glimpse of how long her hair really is! She is only 9 days old!!!! My kids didn't have that kind of hair for MONTHS!

Snoozin' in Mommy's Arms...I love the little furrowed brow!

This one makes me giggle. She really was trying to stay asleep, but wasn't sleepy enough to hang with this position. I was lucky to get one good one right before she started to cry. What is it about that new little cry that you have to make sure they are soothed immediately?!?!? Don't you love the baggy wrinkly skin on her knees?

Daddy's arms...before the hang position above!!!!

Once she was placed on Daddy's back, it was night night time! That skin to skin contact, oh so soothing for the newbies!!!! Thought this was a sweet one of her adoring Mommy too.

Still snoozing on the picture with the tattoo!!!

1 comment:

Em said...

love that last one... cute session Tara!