Saturday, May 24, 2008

Little Birdies...

I only have time to post these two shots. They are the same shot, just one is black and white. We had a Garden Party at my niece's house yesterday to celebrate her actual birthday. More pictures from the fun day are to come. This nest was outside (um, that was obvious) on the meter attached to the house. Mamma Birdie swooped in often, and stood watch from the fence a little ways away. She brought wormies several times to her babies! It was a total science lesson, and was a ton of fun to watch.

Also, I have more of KJ that need posted, and need to get some sneak peeks up from the session that I had today! It was a fun BOY session! I feel like I am always shooting girls, so it was a nice change up to have two boys!!! They were full of energy, and the older one, Mr. L has modeling in his future! Have a wonderful weekend!

(Click the image for full view)

To my animal lovers...the baby birdies were never touched, and we were all a safe distance away from them! Just had to throw that in there! We think there were 3-4 in the nest!

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