Saturday, May 10, 2008

Meet my CRAZY brothers!

We were minus one brother (lives in Dayton) here. We were celebrating my mom's birthday at our house a couple evenings ago, when one brother, Noah, asked if anyone had ever played "shake face". Of course, we all said "No." Well, he proceeded to tell us about it, and said that you had to take pictures of the action. Of course they all wanted to try it, even though they were told it will give you a headache. Perhaps the brain smashing against the skull isn't such a great idea! Here are some of the pictures. Those of you visiting for the first time, please know that this is NOT what your pictures will look like, and this is NOT what a typical session consists of! ;) I just had to share a part of my life with all of you. I can always count on laughing, teasing and fun when we are all together...especially if the "boys" are there! I love you boys. (Tyler decided to not try "Shake Face" since he already had a kid!)

The Boys: Noah, Tyler, Lucas, Clint and Jonah

In order from Oldest to Youngest.... one said you had to cross your eyes, but in every picture of his...they were crossed. Definitely adds to the effect!!! Yes, he is married, owns a home and has a great job...would you guess that from this picture?!?!?!?!

Jonah...his cheeks didn't flap as well...and he for some reason thought that you had to have your eyes closed!!! Jonah is the dad of K.J on here...poor K.J...she will be embarrassed some day!

Noah...the originator of the "Shake Face". He has some flappy cheeks! Also has a great job and is movin' on up in life!

Lucas...had to post two of these because I couldn't pick the best one. Yes, this is the brother who is on the National Tour of the Broadway show Spring Awakening. Wonder if his agent would like these for head shots?!?!?!? :)

And then, my Bean, decides to be a part of the action also. Thanks boys! Here is her result...more of a scream vs. a shake! LOL!

Birthday Mimi, with 5 of the 6 grandkids.

Hope you enjoyed getting to know another little part of my life! What would I do with out my sibs?!?!? Love them.

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