Monday, May 19, 2008

Birthday Party and Today

Here are a few from the big Birthday Party Saturday night! What a great night it was!!! The one thing I forgot to get pictures of were the beetles that started coming after dark. They were so large, that one of my brothers (Jonah) had a baseball bat and was hitting them out of the air! They were THEE LARGEST beetles I have ever seen with my own two eyes!

Playing Rings with the big guys!

Birthday Girl!

Here G and my Bean were deciding which piece they were going to eat.

Blowing out FOUR BIG candles!


The coveted present - Cash Register. My Cakes would steal this from everyone, and threw a fit if it was taken away from her...she has a birthday coming...I am seriously thinking of getting her this!

These next pictures are killing me! Not really, but I have been trying for weeks now to take pictures of G and C. I wanted to do it for Mother's Day for my sister, and I thought it would be great to take them while I babysit (I watch them once a week). This is my third attempt. The first time, we got to our location and the big girls had to potty...we turned around. The second time the weather was not so delightful. And today, well, it was beautiful, the kids were as cute as can be...but I didn't think that my sister would want my kids hanging on her wall with her kids! I reminded myself why I schedule sessions outside of my house, or while my husband is around to keep the girls at least an arms length away! Juggling four kids on my own and trying to get great pictures is difficult! It was a fun time though. We discovered some new things, and counted it as an adventure! Something about the word "adventure" makes everything more fun! I told my sister that we need to schedule an appointment so we can get their pictures done! So, there are more, but they will be posted at another time!

Here, G was modeling. I think. She kept switching into all these different positions and poses. It was pretty funny!

C-man. Seriously Aunt Tara?!?!? This is NOT fun! Totally what he is thinking!

G, loving it and C, well, not so much!

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