Monday, May 19, 2008

A Posting Fool!

Seriously, two posts in one evening?!?!? What? My husband is playing softball, so it gives me a good chance to sit and go through images that need editing. I came across the following picture. It was taken during the middle of KJ's session. Yes, this is one of the examples of what happens during sessions at my home. Thankfully Aunt L is very cooperative and loves my girls to pieces. Why do I have to post this one? I wish she was in a cuter outfit, I wish her hair was brushed all cute, but this picture shows my Bean's personality. She is wearing her new bathing suit (feeling like Little Mermaid, and posing like her), her eyes are sparkling, but most of all you can see all of her angel kisses. The little red marks between her eyebrows, on the right side of her nose and above her lip. I love these little marks. Every time I "notice" them, I remember the day she was born, and remember falling in love with those little marks and staring in awe at her beauty. I don't notice them as often now. They mainly stand out when she runs around, cries or is sweaty. In this case, she was running around singing, "Part of That World". So, that explains the reasoning behind two posts. I couldn't resist this picture and wanted to share it with all of you!

P.S. Here is one of Cakes from the same day. Her personality shining too...stripping herself down to her onesie by noon, ketchup on her mouth due to unwillingness to cooperate with the wipedown, and CRAZY hair because she never lets anything be in it! "No pony." Those two words are very clear! Love my girls! Thank you God for my blessings!

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