Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day...

Although it is quite dreary out, it has been a great day. Enjoyed a wonderful church service, lunch (that I didn't have to make any part of) and shortly am headed to take a quick my bed!!!! My girlies gave me a plate that they made with Mimi...too cute and then also a camera bag for my new camera and gear! I am very excited about both gifts! I remember making plates for my mom when I was younger...Beans was the most excited about that gift I think. Of course, my favorite thing today was the card from my husband. He is always very sweet and sincere and I look forward to his little notes on occasions throughout the year. Hope you have a great day. Here are a few shots from last night. My youngest brother and sister had Prom last night. I don't have any pictures of them with their dates to post (need their permission) so you just get to see how cute the two of them are! Oh yeah, for those of you who knew, my dad's knee surgery went well on Thursday and he got home on Saturday. He is sore but doing well! Thanks for the thoughts and prayers!

Ty man...waiting for Kierst to be ready!

The classic lilac bush that has been a part of ALL Prom pictures!

Her hair was so pretty...had to include a picture of it!


Em said...

they're all getting so old! And your sister is GORGEOUS! (love her hair!) Looks like the new gear is working out quite nicely. : )

Tara Zornow, Southeast Michigan Photographer said...

I can't believe how big Kiersten is! They look great and hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day! See you tomorrow?