Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Well, my husband was asked to stay another full day at NYC, which is a bummer. The girls wouldn't have been able to see him tonight, but I would have...such is life. On the positive side, it gave me a chance tonight to get a few peeks from this weekends family session posted. This family is so very sweet. The momma, D, and I are in the same play group together. Her oldest and my Cakies are just about 6 weeks apart. We met when we were both pregnant. Her two boys are so sweet, and I had a great time following them around capturing them in action. Thanks "B" family for putting up with the unusually warm weather for October, and the CRAZY amounts of mosquitoes.

Mr. B...full of energy, and curiosity!

I love this...seeing his littleness walking around getting ready to enter the path of beautiful trees. I walked through pretty quick, but S (dad) and R took their time and ended up seeing a deer! :)

The big brother...Mr. R. D found a cool tree for the boys to play in and climb on! :)

Isn't he super cute??

The adorable family...

I laugh a little at the family picture because D's coloring and dark hair didn't get passed on to her little munchkins...very much like my little family. You would think that the dark genes would be dominating, but obviously not! Beans looks similar to me when I was younger, but has the coloring of my husband through and through. So many think she looks very much like him. Then Cakes, is a shrunken down image of my husband...BUT...she does have a bit more of my coloring than Beans! :) I take claim to as much as I can, but basically, I am just a great incubator! Curious to see who this next one will look like! :) Enough of my rambling...headed to bed...late again! :)

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