Sunday, October 5, 2008


Warning, this could be too much information for your liking, so read at your own risk!

Bean, who is supposed to be resting, HAD to use the bathroom.

Bean: I have to go to the bathroom.

Me: Okay, let me know if you need anything.

Bean: Mom, I need a book. (You figure out where she learned that???)

Me: Okay. (I find her a Dora book, which is suitable enough for time on the throne.) Don't forget to wash your hands.

Few minutes later...

Bean: Mom, can you wipe me?

I walk to the bathroom.

Me: I thought you were okay wiping yourself now. (Since we "learned" how before starting preschool.)

Bean: Yea, I really am not a fan of it.

And then she gave me a smile. I am not a fan of it either, but I love being her Mom, and being able to make her feel taken care of...even if it is wiping!

Have a blessed Sunday! Hope to get some peeks up soon!

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