Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I Heart Faces - Hands On

So, as most of you know, I have been trying to challenge myself a bit, and enter in the I Heart Faces photo challenge the past couple of weeks. It is fun. But it is most difficult to decide which picture to use! We can only pick one...ONLY ONE...seriously? LOL! But seriously, it is hard to choose. Like this week for example. It is Hands On, and is all about emotion with hands. I have too many to choose from. I LOVE hands and feet...anyone that follows knows that. Ugh! I was maybe not even going to enter because it was causing me turmoil! LOL!

So, do I enter my sweet Butter's curious chubby hands from his one year old session? Hands from the kids playing cards with grandpa? Hands of a family hugging/holding their momma's pregnant belly? Newbie hands that are so delicate that curl so tight and are so tiny those first few weeks of life?

It then hit me as to the picture I wanted to enter. It is the most emotionally filled picture that I have ever taken...at least to me. It is of my sister back in December holding my sweet niece Lillian Christine. My sister was 21 weeks pregnant and found out the day before that Lillian had passed away and had already gone to be with Jesus. I cry as I type this remembering the emotions and the feelings from that day. It is still a fresh wound that is healing. My sister is an amazing mom, and one day she will be able to hold Lillian again, and Lillian will be full of life. This picture shows her tininess. Her body fitting head to toe in my sister's hands. You can see the IV in my sister's hand, and the blood pressure cuff on the other arm, showing the signs of just laboring and delivering her sweet baby girl. My sister is an amazing person, and those of you who know her are lucky to have her in your life. She is my best friend. We have shared incredible highs and desperately low times together. I couldn't do this life without her.

...here is sweet Lily in her tiny little gown...


So there it is. That is the best picture to me to enter. No feelings of "did I choose the right one?". That is the best. The sweetest. My winner.

For more 'Hands On' shots head on over to I Heart Faces by clicking on the link above or image below!


Unknown said...

I just prayed for your sister. I am so sorry for the loss of a precious baby.

T. Armstrong said...

Thank you.

Hana said...

What a beautiful photo with a beautiful meaning. My heart goes out to your sister (and you) for your loss. She looks so incredibly tiny in her mothers hands...but you are right, one day she will hold her again and she will not be broken, she will be new and full of life! God Bless!

MomTog Diaries

Anita Johnson said...

It is a winner and I'm sure your sister is thankful to have that photo. I'm sorry for your loss too. God is good and faithful...His love endures forever.

Maggie said...

Oh my sweet friend-what a dear photo. I continue to pray for you and your sister as you grieve the losses of sweet babies.


Anonymous said...

God bless. You are right, it is a winner.

Melissa said...

You are amazing! The picture of sweet Lily is beautiful and breathtaking! A winner indeed! Love you and your family and as always, hugs and prayers.

Kristi Lynne Deter said...

Thank you for sharing this memory with us. Simply powerful. " Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these". Matthew 19:13

Diana said...

Oh Lord, Tara, you are so unselfish and genuine. You could have picked any photo of your beautiful kids but instead you choose to honor the memory of your niece. That shot epitomizes the saying, "a picture is worth a thousand words." God bless you and your family.