Thursday, May 14, 2009

Four Months Old, Prom, Mother's Day, Soccer

Here is a catch up of what we have been up to the past week!

Little Man turned 4 MONTHS old on the 7th...what in the world...where did four months go? He is an excellent little baby. He weighs in at 15.10 lbs and is 26 inches...putting him at the 50th percentile all around. He rolled over two times three weeks ago, and hasn't done it since! Too much work to do that, so he is content rolling up onto his side and scooting around in a small circle. He sleeps through the night, most nights...and is up for a feeding around 5:30/6:00, then back to sleep he goes. He sucks on his fingers and thumbs all the time, but uses a paci when he gets sleepy. He still loves to be swaddled when he sleeps, still likes to be carried around in my sling, and loves to giggle at his silly sisters. They make him laugh the hardest! He is very ticklish along the sides of his belly, his thighs and his chin. Tickling is sure to bring a smile; even when he is cranky. He has brought so much love to our little family, and it feels like he has just always been with us. :)
(I am too tired to fix the above being like it is...bear with me!)

My Mother's Day was wonderful. I worked in the church nursery that morning, where I ended up rocking my Little Man the whole time. Three workers and three better believe I was rocking my own! He just chilled, and it was relaxing to just be there with him and not worry about "wasting" time by just rocking with him...I fret over that all the time at home...always feel like I am taking time away from the girls...momma guilt, never ends does it! After church, I had a family session. I know, some think I was crazy to do it on Mother's Day, but it was the best time for that family, and it was during nap time at my all I missed was a nap! Don't get me wrong...I love myself a good ole nap! :) We spent the evening at my mom' and family! I got some beautiful lillies, that I have yet to take a picture of...yikes! An extremely sweet card from my husband, and one from my kiddos...and then all the homemade projects from Bean. One from preschool melted my was a fill in the blank about is priceless and goes into my keep forever box (I am picky on what goes in there!) :)

I was being attacked with kisses...loved it!

My baby sister went to her Senior Prom this past weekend. It is sad that all of the dress up days are over...and I can't believe she will be graduating in a few short weeks. We have been watching/taking Prom or Homecoming pictures for the past 12 was weird to think that this was the last. Anyways, my little sister, Kiersten, is absolutely beautiful. She had a beautiful red dress (I wore red my senior Tom's Prom), her hair was gorgeous, and she was glowing. She had a great time with her friends; and I am so happy that she went.

Bean started playing soccer this year and she loves it. Her first game was this past week, and although she really wanted to score a goal, she was beyond thrilled that she kicked the ball...tons. Tom and I were pleased that she actually paid attention to the game itself...we were worried that she would be too concerned with her hair, or just want to sit and socialize...but she liked it, and she slept like a champ that night. The park and her game added up to a tired girl!

I love this one...if he doesn't have a paci or a finger/thumb, then his bottom lip will do for sucking upon!

Jumping picture...her idea!

Monkey see...monkey do!

The blonde ponytail near the ball...


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness.. so good to get caught up on everything! Beauties, all of them! Love ALL the pics! :)


Anonymous said...

I knew you must have been extremely busy not to blog for so long! Great pictures of your beautiful babes with their beautiful mommy. Little Man sure is looking more and more like daddy -- both so handsome!! And, little sis is just as pretty as her big sisters!
Enjoyed each and every pictures!
Love, Lynn

B-Mama said...

I love the Mother's Day shots--you look beautiful! Little Man is getting SO big and looking so much like T! Hugs and prayers!