Monday, August 18, 2008


I am all ready to post sneak peeks of KJ and Mr. B's sessions from last week...and blogger is not cooperating. SO, they will have to wait until tomorrow, actually, later today. Unfortunately, I am not sure when I will be able to post them tomorrow. Hopefully I can sneak a few minutes in to get them up. Nighttime is my best time to work, and well, my night is coming to a close!

I promised Bean tonight that if she didn't call me back into her room and went to sleep like a big girl, I had a big surprise for her. Of course, that was total rubbish on my part. No surprise...but to my surprise, she did it!!! I am celebrating, but also scheming on what to do now. She has begged (for over a year) to go to Chuck-E-Cheese (NOT my favorite place to go...AT ALL!!!) so maybe I will cave in and go tomorrow...maybe. I am thinking a trip to the library and rental of a library movie will be better, BUT, I can see her telling me that that wasn't a "Big Surprise!" Have to think on it...but I am sure it will be the first thing out of her froggy voice in the morning..."Momma, what's my big surprise?"

On another Bean note, she is sleeping in undies now through the night. We had to up her in pullup size (she is very tall for a four year old) because the other ones were ripping when she put them on. We made that package last (with tape on the pullup to keep it together!) and then went up to the next size. Well, my husband saw the package and said, "Only 11 per pack?"
"Yep." "How much did those cost?" "$10.99...on sale." And then his jaw dropped. His thoughts, "We are paying for her to pee our money away...a $1 a night minimum?" (leaks sometimes caused middle of the night pullup changes) "We are done with that."

It was a hard transition, no more drinks before bed or sippy cups to help sooth her to sleep...nothing. I still take her to the bathroom before I go to sleep, and so far all has worked out well. She had one minor accident, but it has been 12 days so far.

Maybe Chuck-E-Cheese isn't too bad of an idea? Off to take the little one tinkle! :)

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