Monday, August 18, 2008

Bean's Bits

I wanted to get the conversation that we had the other night before bed written down, before I got tired of seeing the piece of paper laying on my counter and threw it out on accident! So, here is a little bit of my Beans. Hope you enjoy...and be checking back for some sneak peaks from this weekend (and from last week! YIKES!)

Bean: I want to live here until I'm a Mommy.
Me: Okay. What if your husband doesn't want to live here though?
Bean: I think he will, when he gets to know ya more.

(Husband and I holding back laughter.)

And she continues...
Bean: My husband and daddy can throw darts in the basement together, and I can be with you.
Husband: (Under his breath) I think I will be throwing the darts at him. (He isn't ready to even THINK about Bean getting married/boyfriends.)

Bean: Do you be boyfriend girlfriend first? Like you and Daddy were?
Me: Yep.
Bean: There's so many boys to do I know which one?

Oh, my girl. She is the sweetest little thing. Some days she can't wait to be married (of course still living in my house?!?!?!?) and then there are times, like last night when she was trying to go to sleep, that she works herself up to an all out cry, "I want to be four forever!" Last night she also added in, "Can't I have a different birthday so I can be four longer?" I only wish my sweet Bean...I only wish I could keep you little forever. But, I felt that when she was first born, that I wanted to freeze time to keep her tiny, and as she grows and goes through each stage, life gets even better and even more fun, and filled with even more laughs! I love you Beans...

Nap time for the time for me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Grandpa was having a fit, knowing his son would be having a fit.. Grandpa says he'll supply the darts! LOL! ;-) I think she's adorable.. Enjoy, as I know you both are! Isn't it fun??!?! :)