Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Another 9 month old...

One of my favorite ages!!!!! I had a great time last Saturday getting to know Mr. B. He is super sweet, SUPER expressive, and has this lip action thing that looks like he might whistle and it totally melted my heart. Thanks "S" family for the opportunity to photograph your little guy!

The first two here are favorites so far...he was so happy in his Momma's arms...

...and his eyes are so pretty.

The lighting in the house was great. He was starting to warm up to me at this point...I think he really just finally noticed the camera.

I had to add this to my favorites. He wasn't a fan of the grass, so he did the bear crawl through it. This face and the way he was positioned reminds me of a line backer ready to tackle someone or something...too cute.

Thanks again for the great day!
Also, for those of you who follow, in a previous post, I wrote about a "Big Surprise" for Bean. She TOTALLY remembered this morning and it was the first thing she asked me!!! Thankfully, I used the library surprise, and she was EXTREMELY thrilled!!!! WHOOO-HOOOO!!!! She did ask if we could do Chuck-E-Cheese. I told her she had to have several nights without me coming into her room, she seemed to agree with it, because in her words "Chuck-E-Cheese is a big big surprise." I agree. And I am thankful to not have to go there today! :)

Have a great day! I am super excited for another Senior Session tonight! :)


Diana said...

The sneak peek looks great! We can't wait to see the CD. Thanks again for taking B's pictures; you did an awesome job.

Em said...

SO cute Tara!