Friday, July 11, 2008

My Ramblings...

Here are some of my thoughts from last night at 4:30 a.m. Don't ask, well you can, I changed a pull up, soothed a bad dream, changed sheets, and filled "juice" cups. Not sure why I was wide awake after all of that?!?!? :) So here are some things I was thinking!

1. My Beans loves her armpits scratched. It helps her fall asleep. Does anyone else find this weird? I love my hair played with, but forget the armpits!!!!

2. I need to take a picture of my house when it is picked up and cleaned (which is at least once a day), because during some point after cleaning, a tornado rips through my house. I figure, if I have a picture of a clean house, then I can remember what it is supposed to look like, share that with others who see my tornado of a living room, and relax and not worry about the toys scattered about.

3. Having toys on the floor is like having a good burglar alarm system. I know this because I stepped on them last night!

4. My girls love each other so much, and I LOVE watching their friendship develop. Bean was crying out before she fell asleep last night, which led to Cakies crying out too. I went to Cakes first..."Beany is scweamin'. She sad." How sweet...she was only crying because she knew her sister was upset.

5. Lastly, I love my husband. He is the sweetest, dearest man, and I can't put into words the love I have for him. Small example of his love for me...Last night, he played with my hair until I fell asleep!!!! The little things to make me happy! Love him.


Anonymous said...

Be careful what you wish for.. your house will be picked up, ALL the time, when the girls move on to their own homes.. don't wish it away too soon. You will miss it when it's gone.

Listen to one who knows...

T. Armstrong said...

Oh, I am not wishing it away, just wishing it stayed clean longer than the amount of time it took to clean it!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Okay- I do think the armpits are a little weird. but since I know the family it is understandable. haha :) I have seen the tornadoes and really don't mind. I say as long as my kitchen is clean then I feel good. Your girls are so sweet and caring love them! and I guess Tom too :)