Sunday, January 24, 2010


That is my name right now. I have many other things to be doing, and one being packing for our trip on Tuesday. I have the kids clothes packed...but that is it. Instead of packing, or picking up toys, or folding the rest of the laundry, or doing dishes, or getting some much needed sleep...I worked on editing. Not anyone's session because I am all caught up, which is a very rare occasion. At least I didn't procrastinate finishing sessions until after our trip! :) I am intrigued lately with adding textures to images, and I have found a bunch of super cool ones that I have downloaded but haven't had a chance to play with. So, tonight, I did that. I took two older pictures, ones that have been posted here before, and tweeked and played with them a bit.

Here is the first one...a favorite shot of Butter and I at our girls' only weekend trip.

The original: saturation on this was already lowered...

Texture effect: Stained Paper Towel I also changed the original picture to have a slight sepia effect... I am loving this!
Session with the kids back in October. This was one of my favorite shots of Bean. She was so serious about posing and she is so darn beautiful that it kills me. It was like I was seeing her 10 years from now...sigh.

The Original:

The effect: Stone Overlay. The saturation of the original was also lowered, and I also erased the texture from her sweet little face. My only complaint about this one would be that you can't see the beautiful blue eyes that she has...I could fix it, but like I said, I am procrastinating as it is!

So that is it. That is what I did for the past half hour or so...played. I love the editing and playing part of my job...almost as much as I love being with my clients and their cute kids! Now off to least a little bit!

I also am working on a few things that you won't want to miss out on! The end of this month marks the TWO YEAR anniversary for T.R. Armstrong Photography. I am blessed by its growth, and am thankful to all of you sweet clients that have made this a success. More on that later though...seriously off to pack...or... sleep!

1 comment:

Maggie said...

Fun, fun Tara. The textures are cool. I'll have to check out a few. Those are two great photos too! Good luck in the contest. :)