Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Big Day

Well, the countdown is over. Butter is ONE! My sweet little round, loving, adorable, temper throwing, food tossing, lip pouting boy is one. As cliche as it sounds, I remember his birth like yesterday. His c-section was rather unpleasant. For some reason, I felt more than normal. I couldn't wait for it to be over. When he was pulled out and I heard his cry, I felt much relief. I was the first to kiss him (okay, I was the first with all of them, but doesn't the momma deserve that first kiss?). Although he was a good 8 lbs, he was so tiny. I adored every little part of him, and was sad that I could see changes so quickly within the first few days.

Driving home from the hospital took quite some time. We had a 10" dump of snow two days after he was born. It also kept visitors at bay, and I was able to spend so much time with just my boy...and sleeping...and recovering. I missed seeing people, but looking back, I am glad I had that time with just him.

He also came home with a bili-blanket that he had to stay wrapped in for a week. He looked like a glo-worm when he was all snuggled in it, but he definitely needed it because his skin tone looked quite lemony! :)

He fit right into our family, and was loved by the girls instantly. We watched the video the other night of the first time the girls made it to the hospital, and both Tom and I teared up. They were so excited to find out if it was a boy or girl, and so excited to meet him.

The time flies. People aren't joking when they say that. Although many days seem like "Ground Hog's Day", all of those days fly by.

Last night we made Gbers his cake. The girls helped...and helped eat the extra parts that were cut off!!!! They are just as excited about his birthday as I am...which makes it all the more fun!

I love seeing how much Gbers loves his sisters too. If they are playing in the basement, he lays on the floor with his head plastered to the floor and the crack of the door, calling for them (not by name of course, just yells). They usually will come and stick their hands through the crack to play with him, and he screams with delight. He follows them everywhere, and they are pretty darn good at letting him "tag" along. I think that has been my favorite part over the past year. I love all the ittty baby stages, and wearing my baby boy everywhere, and developing that bond with him, but seeing him develop that bond with the girls is amazing. The love they have for each other makes the crazy haired days completely worth every bit.

They are the loves of my life. And to my Little Man, Butter, are loved more than you will ever know. You came and blessed our lives more than we would have ever known. You helpd to soften the wounds in my heart, helped heal some of the hurt and have brought happiness to all of us. We love your little tempers, your neediness of momma, your fast army crawling, your climbing all over the place, your constant need to put EVERYTHING in your mouth (seriously, the girls never did this as much as he does), your sweet personality, your "Darth Vader" breathing, and your ability to put us all in stitches.

Happy 1st Birthday my sweet boy! Your joy is immeasurable!
We love you...

He was totally loving this chair... him totally naked for a few shots...could his heiny be any cuter?

...were there too many "buns" shots? Tom was not approving some of the shots...I didn't post those!


Maggie said...

Oh Happy Day! How neat to learn some more about your little guy and his past year. The photos are gorgeous. I love the bare bottom shots. This is the only time you'll get away with it and they are so cute when they are little! What a blessing G has been to all of you. So glad you've had a good year. Enjoy celebrating his big day with family! Love, M

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Mr G., and many, many more! Love the pics!! :)


Anonymous said...

Beautiful Post!! Love it Gbers is sooo precious to all. And I love all the pictures too especially the buns.
Love Lindsay

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Gbers!! Love the buns!!! :)
