Monday, August 31, 2009

Our Small Little House Fire...

Yes, it has been busy around here. Yes, there is never a dull moment. And, yes, I feel more blessed than ever. A week ago from today (Monday), our dryer caught on fire...the day before we were to leave for our mini-vacation.

It was pretty fast and furious, but thankfully with the speedy fire department who were at my house with their hoses in just over 5 minutes from my 911 phone call, it really could have done even more damage.

Now, let me tell you the damage is pretty significant! The laundry room is charred, and the rest of the house is filled with smoke damage. We left last Monday night, not quite knowing what to expect, except that we knew we weren't able to stay in our home. The next morning we met the general contractor bright and early, and things continued to roll from there. We are out of our house for another 4-6 weeks from Wednesday, but we are staying in a beautiful comfy condo...much thanks to my in-laws who live in FL but have this beautiful home here. The girls are comfy here, and we are adjusting. I have learned oh so much through this process, and God has been oh so good to us. We have been learning to be content. For example, we have a limited amount of clothing. It is enough clothing to last a little more than a week, but I have woke up about every morning thinking of, "Oh shoot, wish I had..." fill in the blank! :) And then I am reminded of how much I really do have, and that I need to thank God for all that He has blessed me with and has continued to bless me with.

It was pretty scary. Bean was pretty shaken up, and continues to be. Every odd noise she hears, she questions if it is a fire. She is a little nervous falling asleep at night, worrying that there may be a fire. God is teaching her too, at such a young age, to trust Him and lean on Him for comfort (ummmm...I do have to give a little guidance in that department too!). Cakies refers to our house as the "fire house", as to not confuse anyone when she talks about "home". Tonight was her first night that she whined, "I wish we were in our white fire house," as we passed our neighborhood. I have to add, our house is really a light grey...not sure why she always says "white", just a cute little side note! Geebers is doing okay also. He came down with a cold last week, and actually, I am taking him to the doctors tomorrow to get him checked. He has been batting at his ear, and has been sleeping horribly. Not sure if it is his ear that is causing his rotten sleep, or if it is because we are in a different location.

We are settling in for sure. The condo now looks like kids have lived here for several, crayons, coloring books, stickers! I promise Mom and Dad A that we will have it looking spiffy for when you come to visit! :) I want to thank many of you who have heard for your sweet comments, emails and actions. We have been given toys to borrow, books to use, coloring stuff, a crib and lots and lots of LOVE!

Tom is doing well also. He has been a super trooper help, as I am lacking in sleep, and also lacking in routine and consistency. I have thrown myself a few pity parties, selfish I know, but have tried very hard to remain positive, and focus on being so grateful that no one was hurt and that the damage could have been way worse. God is also teaching me patience...daily. There have been some really, really ugly moments and I am having to really, really work hard and I really, really haven't done fabulous every time...but I am praying and working on it, knowing that He is molding me into what He wants me to be. And, I truly believe and know that God is good...all the time. He is our Rock and our Comforter, and we are leaning on Him to carry us through.

A fun positive: I will be returning to a beautifully restored home, with new paint, carpet, mattresses, clean air ducts, industrialized clean clothes and many other positives! :)

To those of you waiting for your sessions to be finished, I thank you so very much from the bottom of my little ole heart for your patience and understanding. I have been working very hard to try and get caught up, and promise that I will continue to work until all is finished!

And another note, fall sessions are really starting to if you are interested, please let me know soon!

Lastly, here are a few sneak peeks from a week ago of my besties little babes, just a few days younger than Geebers...Mr. E! :)

I LOVE all of these...his smile is so contagious, and he is so darn cute! Happy almost 8 months little guy!


B-Mama said...

Oh T, I am so sorry to hear of your misfortune! What a blessing that you were there to catch it and call 911 in time. How Great and Mighty is our God always, but He feels especially real during times like this. I'm just glad you are all okay... Prayers and hugs!

Diana said...

AMEN!! Jason, Bret and I would love to have you over for dinner one night...if you're not too overwhelmed with offers :) Let me know. I need to e-mail you my new cell #. I don't know if you have it or not.

I *HEART* the sneak peek of E - I can't believe how much he looks like M!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Tara, not sure if you got my response to your comment on my blog a while back...but I love to drop in on YOUR blog :) Your images are so sweet...i love seeing someone else do this photo biz thing! I am so sorry to hear about your fire...but praise God everyone is ok! Just wanted to leave some comment-love on your blog too :) P.S. your kiddos are precious!!