Saturday, August 8, 2009

Mr. J is a Senior...

J is a cousin of my husband's, and if you have ever seen my husband, you would definitely say that he and J look very much alike. Throughout the session, I felt like I was looking back 12 years ago through my lens at my Tom. The similar expressions were really what killed me! Anyways, I have known J since he was 4 and feisty! He didn't care too much for me back then, because I took Tom away from having fun (4 year old fun) at family functions. I believe when Aunt Janet used to tell him that Tom would be there he would reply with, "Is he bringing that girl?" Hahahahaha! I am that girl! I am hoping he likes me a little better now! ;)

Anyways, it really was fun doing a session with him. Such a great young man, and of course I had lots of laughs with Aunt Janet. Thanks for coming all the way here for the session! Here are a few sneak peeks...

So far, this one is my favorite!

You are not seeing double, the next two are the same picture, just with a different effect on them...I can't decide which one I like better...the top one with more bold contrasting or the bottom one which looks a little softer...

Hope you are having a great weekend. Our pool party has been delayed due to the beautiful gloom that has been hanging over us. I think the kids will swim no matter what later though...and I am secretly hoping that I don't have to...I think that will be a Dad thing! ;)


Janet Stone said...

Tara! I love them! I especially like the close up but I really like the two against the tree! I can't wait to see the rest of them. I never thought to ask you about that! Ha! GREAT job! And what a sweet/funny blog you wrote! I'll make sure Jake sees all of it! THANK YOU!

Anonymous said...

Great pics! Payton Manning, that's who he reminds me of!! :)
Hard to believe he is a Senior already, time does fly! Yes, I, too, remember the pouts when he'd find out Tom was coming with "that girl"!! LOL!

B-Mama said...

It's great to see that a feisty 4yo can turn out so well! Gives me hope! :) What great senior shots, T. You are becoming the regular Scott Hall!! hugs!

Maggie said...

Great shots. He's a very nice looking guy. I like the bolder one of the two you were deciding on. It really pops!