Sunday, August 23, 2009

Busy Weekend...

It was another busy weekend here at our house. Never a dull moment, that is for sure! Wanted to post a couple shots of two cutie pies that I had the opportunity to capture early Saturday morning...just after the rain (thankfully!) and in the cool of the morning. Was it just me, or did it seem like Fall was visiting this weekend?!?!?! Anyways, Miss R and Mr. B were fabulously cute little ones, and I so enjoyed the time I got to spend with this cute family! Alright, enough they are...

Mr. B...such a sweet tempered little one...

Miss R...was a fun little two year old...I have more shots of her from behind than I do of her cute little face...

...but I did get this cute little it!

Can't wait to share more from this weekend...I had a unexpectedly blessed day to love God and His great timing!

Off to bed...before midnight...whoooo-hoooooo! Now only to hope that my little Cakies doesn't wander into my room 4 times throughout the night because she misses me. My weary eyes barely are able to walk her back to her room, and by the 4th time (or when it is getting close to 6:00) I grab her and snuggle her in bed with us for the last hour or so of sleep. Any suggestions on keeping her in her room all night long, so I don't have to continually drag myself out of bed, walk (grogily stumble) her to her room, and then be sure to give her a thumbs up from my doorway so she knows all is well???? And really, I am super lucky if I get out of having to sing "Silent Night" (yes, that is her bedtime song every night since last December...she insists!) in a whispery voice in the middle of the night at who knows what time! Ahhhhh...I know...I will miss this...but my continous lack of continuous sleep is going to make me crazy sometime soon! :)

Seriously, done complaining, and seriously...I am going to bed! Have a great week...and stay tuned for more sneak peeks!

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