Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Giving Up For the Moment...

I have been obsessing on fixing my blog title... It is now making me crazy! I can't get it "just right", and I happen to be a perfectionist over these types of things. My husband likes to call it obsessive, but I really think perfectionist sounds better...don't you? So, I am done with it for now...just know it isn't how I really would like it to be. Let me know what you think...and know that I will still be pondering on ways to make it better...only giving up on sitting at the computer to fix it!!!!!
P.S. I love the colors...purple is N's favorite color, and I always try to add in places to remind me of her. When M can decide her favorite color it too will be placed all over!
Good night!

1 comment:

Em said...

I fought and fought with my header and my html coding on my blog too- it's definitely a frustrating process... but it's fun to have something custom when it's all said and done. I really like the purple and black. And the swirls are cute!