Sunday, January 11, 2009

Another Update...

We are home. We got home yesterday around 5:00...through the 10 inches of snow! Feels good to be home. Tom just took the girls sledding, and my little man is sleeping. We almost weren't discharged due to his jaundice, but they sent us with a bilirubin blanket for at home treatment. He had to be tested again today...hoping that the levels either went down or stayed the same. Going down would obviously be best, but as long as they don't go up then that is a plus. This bilirubin blanket, is not much of a blanket. It is a hard plastic type of thing that lays on his back and then attaches in front. It is an ultraviolent light (I think) that he has to be on as much as possible during a day, for the next three days. He gets to come off of it when he feeds, or if we have to go somewhere. He looks like a little glow worm. I know I still don't have pictures up...and I would post some now, but they are still in the camera, and that is upstairs, and to go up and down again may just kill me! My husband has been a VERY good nurse, and has let me do very minimal. He gets my food, my drink, brings me the baby, and helps haul my heaviness out of bed in the middle of the night to help.

The girls are adjusting well. Cakes is WAY over sleepy, due to a bit of a thrown off sleeping schedule while I was in the hospital. She took a great nap today, so hopefully she will return to being her sweet Cakes, and not the sour one that has appeared on occasion! Bean is also doing wonderful. She is so very excited. Yesterday, Tom dropped us off, and he went to get a few things from the grocery store and get my medicine. Cakes fell asleep, and I was hoping to catch a little nap also while Bean was supposed to rest. I swear, every 10 minutes she had a new question (and then would repeat the question to get the same answer just to make sure). At one point I opened my eyes with her standing and staring at me. She said, "I am sorry I am talking so much, I am just so excited!" It was very cute. AND, she comes by it very naturally. The nurses in the hospital thought I was crazy when we arrived at 6:00 am Wednesday morning, and I was talking like I had 5 cups of coffee already. Talking is what I do when I am nervous or excited...and sometimes that over talking can really get annoying! ;)

I am going to go and try to stir my baby boy for a feed...he isn't so good at that yet and it takes a lot of work and a long time to have a successful feeding. Sort of a vicious cycle because he needs to eat well to help his jaundice go away...ahhhhh...all the worries that come with a newborn! I will say a plus to the jaundice is that I have to wake him at night to eat...otherwise he would sleep WAY too long. So last night, we all got a good night sleep.

Hope you enjoyed the beautiful falling snow the past couple days, and hope you are able to stay nice and toasty warm as the arctic blast (according to Blizzard Bill) will be coming this week. At the hospital, I was actually able to watch the news, weather, and whatever I wanted...made me miss my home and my girls!

Have a great week...

1 comment:

Diana said...

I'm glad to hear that everything is going well!! I can sympathize with the jaundice; B had it too. Are Cakes and Bean's birthdays in the fall/winter? I'm wondering if it's a season thing!! Anyway, congratulations again!!