Monday, March 22, 2010

I Heart Faces - Angle Challenge

So this one I get to "kill two birds with one stone"! :) Bean will be turning 6 a week from tomorrow (I know, seriously, where have the last 6 years gone?!?!?!?!), so in honoring her birthday, I am going to post an image a day here of my sweet Bean. And, I am entering it into the "I Heart Faces - Focusing on Angles" challenge.

I would like to also post one thing that I also "love" about her with the image each day. Today, as I am typing this, she is in the family room sharing and playing with her sister Cakies. I LOVE that Bean is an incredible big sister. She is patient with her siblings, includes them in everything and is a best friend to them. I love watching the sibling relationship develop, grow and deepen more and more each day. I pray it continues for their lifetime, because I personally know that a strong relationship with a sibling (siblings in my case) is one of the best things here on earth.

So here is the shot...taken on an angle...of my little Bean in her bedroom. She asked if we could do her "6 year old session" in her room. She picked the outfits, and of course, and hairdo too! Love her independence and confidence...but I will probably write about that another day! ;)


For more cool angle shots, click on the link above!


way outnumbered said...

Lovely!!! Great colors and what a beautiful model~

Sereina said...

Wonderful colors and a beautiful girl!

the BLAH BLAH BLAHger said...

LOVE this@!

Maggie said...

Oh I love this Tara! She's beautiful. Isn't it crazy how fast it goes and how grown up the girls seem? I feel the same way about MJ. Love that she's doing the session in her room too!

Sandra Burns said...

Great "spring" colors. Love her expression too!

Anonymous said...

LOVE, love, love it, and her...! :)Can't wait to see more!

Lynn said...

I love the angle and her expression - just a hint at one. She sounds like my six year old - independent and knows what they want - although my six year olds room is not that neat!