Monday, July 20, 2009

Friday Night Session - The M Family

So, this session was a bit different than my usual was a 1hr 40 min drive away...well, that is how far it was supposed to be. Friday afternoon, Kiersten came over to watch the kids, and I packed up and headed north for a fun family session. Earlier that day, as I was getting things around, I thought, hmmmm...I really should get her phone number. All of our "talking" had been via email, so I checked through emails and no number. No biggie, it will all be a-ok. I am sure you are seeing the writing on the wall...I needed that phone number, and I was sweating bullets when I figured out that there would be no way to get a hold of H and I really, really, really needed to.

I was going to be a large margin.

I didn't start sweating it until I was 8 miles from my exit, and traffic was at a complete stop. When I say complete, I am serious...complete. So I called up my Tom-Tom, who by the way is way cheaper than the real GPS Tom-Tom and way cheaper than a German. I was sitting a lane over from an exit, and I am so lucky that I was where I was when I was completely stopped. My Tom-Tom quickly found a path for me on backroads, but then also informed me that I still had another 25 minutes until I would arrive at the lovely M family's home.

Ummmmmm, well, that wasn't good, because I only had 1 minute to be there before I was going to be late. I HATE BEING LATE!

Panicking, I asked my sweetie to send H a quick email to let her know what was going on. As I finished saying goodbye to my love, it started to rain. Complete panic set in and tears welled up not only on my windshield but also in my little ole eyes! Just as I was about to lose it, H called in!!!!!! She had heard of the back up on the expressway and called to see if I needed any help. So sweet. If I could have hugged her at that moment, I probably would have squeezed her to death! It was such a relief to know that she knew I was going to be late, understood about the traffic and was even sweet about the rain. It worked out great, because the half hour that I was stuck in my car, was the half hour that it rained. It cleared up a few minutes after arriving, and the session was a total success! I gave a big hug to H, and was on my way. Unfortunately, the expressway was STILL closed, so I had to call up my Tom-Tom again, and we figured out a better way to get home!

It was a great night, and here are a few pictures of the super cute family! Oh yes, and this beautiful setting. was their own yard! It worked out PERFECT! :)

Strutting her stuff...

Isn't he downright adorable?

Love this one too! :)
Alright, back to my chaos! Have a good one!


Hannah said...

cute pictures! have a question if you have time to help me out. my husband and I are thinking about starting to do children photography on the side. My husband is in seminary and so we want to offer reasonable prices for other seminary students who maybe can't afford to pay a ton for good pics of their kids. If you were starting off....what would you charge?

Maggie said...

Oh Tara, I share those feelings about the idea of being late to a session; so glad it all worked out for you. And you're right, the photos turned out great.