Here you will find my "typical" pictures, thoughts and ideas and sneak peaks from sessions. I LOVE taking pictures, particularly children. Capturing that perfect moment in time, to last a lifetime is my goal. So, sit back and relax, while reading through my blog, getting to know me and my family, and getting a glimpse of what a session might contain! P.S. I am sure this will also contain an occasional rambling of goings on in my life...enjoy!
Saturday I had the pleasure of capturing Mr. D, again! Cute isn't a good description of his dimples, or his blue eyes or his sweet peachy skin. The last that I saw this little one was when he was 9 months old...and he is now 18 months old...amazing how fast they grow! It was a great session, and of course I enjoyed catching up with D's parents and grandparents! The morning couldn't have been more beautiful, and D did a fabo job! T, hope you enjoy the couple of peeks...hope to get more up soon!
Oh, and if you haven't noticed the new songs on the left, take a listen. Number 1 and 2 are total favorites! :)
...that you looked this pretty without brushing your hair...
...this cute with a silly little grin...
...and this good naked? Ha! Love my kiddos!
Took these shots this weekend with a quick impromptu photo session with my kids. My only requirement was that the girls get dressed out of their pajamas...and they even picked out their own outfits. This is the best I have gotten so far with the three of them together...I had to shoot fast though, because the girls lost patience after about, oh, 3 minutes! Here are a few more...
...your lip would do this too, if your cheeks were this big...
...about to cry...
...and then I peeked out from behind the camera and got this big smile...
...and these last two are when Cakies decided to run around Geebers in circles as I was trying to get him smiling...I will say, he was entertained!
I had a great session Saturday morning with a repeater...and I love to see my repeaters grow!!!! He is a super cutie, and those sneak peeks will be posted soon! Hope you had a great weekend!
If you have been trying to contact me through email, and I haven't responded, please call or try emailing again. I usually reply to emails within 24 hours...and for some reason it is a little messed up right now and I am not receiving all emails. We are trying to figure out the problem, and hopefully it will be fixed soon!
Beanie picked the winner out of her daddy's UM hat, and the winner is...
Kelly O'Neill
Although Kelly's comment is not posted on the blog here, Kelly left several messages on facebook, because she couldn't figure out how to comment here. Several of you were having problems with leaving a comment, so I put you in the drawing even if you couldn't post here. Here is what Kelly had stated:
"hey tara i want to know if u can take pictures of sarah and missy.. its her horse.. i need someone (to) take her picture.. u take awesome pictures.. u up for the job? i want to do it in july after the fourth?"
I am super excited to do this session, as it will be the first one with a HORSE! :) I truly was touched by each of your comments, and I am so blessed to have each of you in my life...even if it is just through the computer! :)
And, those of you who know me, know that it kills me to pick a winner and have those of you who commented and weren't picked not get anything at all! I was talking to Tom today and said that I should just give all o f you the "giveaway" deal ...he kaboshed that idea...well, in a kind way of course. So we compromised...and if you (one of you commenters on the contest) do book a session with me this year (2009), then I will add an additional $15 print credit to your session. That would total a $30 print credit with your session fee. So, if you do want to book a session, feel free to email me and I can get you on the calendar. Thanks to all of you who participated!!!!!
Enjoy your summer days this week. I will leave you with pictures from our strawberry picking trip last week.
No, this precious face didn't go strawberry picking, but I cou ldn't post pictures without him... :)
...I love his hat (his dad doesn't!)...
Learning how to really "pick" through the berry plants....there were SO many rows...
Four helping hands...
My beautiful sister and her kid dos...
C-man...."Is dis a purfect one, Aunt Taya?" This was repeated and repeated...he ate a few more than he picked...just check out his face and shirt!
Cakies also "helped" in the "picking"... proud of her pickings...
These beautiful berries made tons of freezer jam, two strawberry pies, strawberry shortcake, and then two gallon freezer bags filled and frozen with berries...
Thanks to everyone who commented on the blog entry "My Thomas and Giveaway"...and also there are a few who tried very diligently, but couldn't get it to work...and then left a comment on my facebook...I will accept those also! :)
Your comments were very sweet, and each one touched me!
We had some crazy happenings this weekend, so I will hopefully get the winner pulled and posted by tomorrow!!!!! Thanks again, and Happy Father's day!
This post may be a little haphazard, but stick with me and you will be glad! I was rocking my little man, Geebers (his nickname that has come of late, along with others), and he was fussy. I was getting a bit frustrated because I knew he was tired, knew he needed a good nap, and knew it needed to happen fast because the girls were getting antsy. So, I kept rocking and walking, and he then calmed down, snuggled in and fell fast asleep. I rocked him. Staring at his sweet eyelashes, curled up nose, pretty (yep, I said pretty) lips, sweet peachy skin, and I had a little ache in my heart. I was reminded of how I miss my Thomas, and how I didn't get the chance to rock, cuddle, snuggle, or even get frustrated with him. With tears in my eyes, I was overwhelmed with sadness, but also greatfulness. Greatful to know that I will someday be able to hold my little babe in heaven, and also grateful beyond measure that I was rocking there, even after being frustrated, with my sweet little Geebers who is so dependent upon me, and I am so in love with him. Geebers brings such sweetness to all of our family, and such a wonderful addition that I am not deserving of by any means.
So, in light of my greatfulness, and my sincere thanks to the many of you who check in on my blog, those who are silent readers, those who are vocal ones, those who I have had sessions with and those that I have not had the pleasure of meeting yet....this post is for you! I am giving away a free session and that comes with a $20 print credit. That is a $70 value for zilch! All you have to do is leave a comment about why you would like a session and what type of session you would like. The session has to be scheduled before the end of the year, and there are no obligations to purchase any prints beyond the print credit. You can also nominate someone you think is deserving of a session, but only comment per person please! We (me, Bean and Cakes) will then take all of the comments and I will have a little hand reach in and grab a is about as fair as I can come up with at this point! :)
Don't know how to leave a comment? It is EASY! Click on the comment link below this post, and then type your comment in the little box, check either name, url, anonymous and then SUBMIT! :) I will be done accepting comments on Sunday at noon, and then posting the winner sometime on Monday. This free session can not be applied to an already scheduled session...sorry!
And, now I leave you with a few pictures of course...
This is the tree that we planted in our backyard in memory of Thomas...I see it often throughout the day and it is a gentle reminder of his sweet little time here with us...
Blooms from this past spring...
Stone that the girls and I made in the fall...they put all the glass pieces in (with some guidance of course!)
My sister got me this when she saw it a few months back. She said it reminded her of Thomas, so she had to get it for me. She was one of the few that got to hold our little guy, and was there with us during that long day...
Gifted to us from Tom's is a Caruth, with a mom and a little baby (the baby is hard to see in this shot)
And, I have some sweet shots of my kiddos that I need to share soon from picking strawberries this past was SO MUCH FUN!
Alright, I am off for a run with my baby sister. Have a great night! :)
I had the opportunity to have a session with a beautiful 3 month old, Baby T, and her adorable family...all of them gorgeous! Here are a few of Baby T, and I will have more of her cute sibs posted sometime soon...just had to get these up here!
We got her smiling too, but the sleepy shots are usually my favorites!
We had a fun weekend, filled with family visits, visits with friends, and just hanging out "swimming" and playing in the sprinklers! I am excited for a fun filled week, and the weather looks as though it will cooperate!!!!! Bring on the real summer weather!
You have seen her sweet little face grace the pages of this blog many times before, and here she is again. 18 months old (well, in these shots, which were taken at the end of April) the time flies! She is a super cutie, and I love her little personality that has blossomed the past couple of months! It is also super fun to see her give her daddy some fits... :) So, here are a few of the little princess...
All images found on this blog are copyrighted work of T.R. Armstrong Photography. Images may not be reproduced or copied in any manner without permission. Thanks!
Charitable Organization
Many of you know my story, know the name for the initials for my business, know the heartache that we experienced in November 2007. This is a great organization, that I wish I would have known about back then. Check it out and donate to help this non-profit organization: Someday, I would like to volunteer, but my heart is not ready just yet.