Monday, June 2, 2008

Graduation Pics...

Please note that the lighting in the Seagate Centre was by far sub par! Why didn't I drag everyone outside into the beautiful light of the evening? Couple of reasons!
1. We were a large group and it was a minor miracle that we were all even able to find each other, stay together and not lose any of our kids during that time.
2. Kids. Kids on a downtown street. Probably not the greatest of ideas!
So, you will have to just deal with the pictures with flash, that I so truly dislike to use...sunshine is so much better! :)

Bean and Uncle Ty

G and Uncle Ty

Ty and his cute girlfriend S

I was emotional over this picture! One, I realized that my baby sister is next to year! I feel like she is too young, and it will be here in a blink of an eye! Two, Ty and Kierst have such a cool relationship. They have been best buds since they were little, and it warms my little heart to continue to see their relationship flourish!

I think he was a bit excited to be DONE!

My cute little Mom and Ty
Bean...why does she always want to make crazy faces?!?!?!?

Cakes and Uncle darn cute!

That is all for the night. I have pictures to post of Miss Cakies Birthday party from last week yet, but they will have to wait! Session on Thursday! Geeked for a fun time!!!! :)


Anonymous said...

Great pics! Congrats to Tyler!

Beans makes faces when pictures are taken 'cos she's alot like her Aunt Caty... I saw that when Beans put the "lotion" on, years ago! ;-)

Em said...

so cute - and the flash looks fine! lol We photographers are SO picky aren't we! Your mom is gorgeous!

T. Armstrong said...

Yes, I am picky...but it is the unnatural shadows that make me crazy!!!! :)