Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Learned Something New...

This beautiful session was a re-do session. Well, I am not sure I can call it a re-do, if the first time I didn't get one single picture taken. Two weekends ago, on the freezing cold, gloomy, drizzly Saturday morning, we were off for a fun family session. There were only a few sprinkles, and being outdoors, the light would work out just fine! So, we drove to the most beautiful location. Gorgeous yellow leaved trees (please don't ask what kind of trees...not my strong suit...I only take pictures!), with a winding path. The trees made a canopy of yellow.

Fast forward.

Position family under beautiful canopy of trees, squat down and aim, fire...no fire. Nothing. I looked at my camera, like what in the world??? So, I jumped to the assumption that it was my battery. It showed that it was still half full, and I hadn't charged the night before, because we had just moved in the that night and I had NO CLUE where the charger was. I was confident that the battery would be good. Well, at that point, my stomach sank and my confidence fell even further. Two kids, 5 and almost 3, all ready to go in the cold, and the camera lady's camera wasn't working.


Almost in tears, and on the verge of puking, I ask "A" if there is a local store that we could go find a battery. Hopping into "the" car, I then had another sinking feeling. I couldn't buy a battery, my wallet was in the van...I took the car to the session because Tom needed the van with the car seats.

"Ummmmmm, "A", I don't have my wallet. Do you want to buy the battery, and I will pay you back?" Have I mentioned that "A" is THANKFULLY a dear friend that I used to teach with. Yea. I can't imagine feeling any worse, and thankfully she was so gracious.

We drove to the local mall. Store, to store, to store...no such luck. Not a battery for my sweet camera (at this point, I didn't realize it wasn't my battery, so I am thankful now that we didn't purchase one!) We drive back to the location to let the little ones and her husband know that we had no such luck.

We set up a time for the next day. Yes, if you are wanting to know, she got a free session! So if you want a free session, pray that I screw something up! LOL! Anyways, I pull out of there and call Tom...and the tears started flowing. Ugh...it was an awful feeling. And, I knew that I needed to get home to charge the battery to make sure it would last for the afternoon session.

Home. Charged battery. Pepped myself back up. Unpacked a couple of the gazillion boxes piled high in my house to distract me from wallowing in my guilt, and sadness. Packed back up to head to the next session. Before pulling out of the neighborhood, I had a weird feeling that I needed to just check my camera. Pull it out of the bag, and it is displaying the same thing "CHA" and not taking a picture. Stomach instantly sick. So, I pull over, call a friend to borrow her camera, and while doing that, I look in my own manual to see what in the world is going on. Well, I found out...the memory card wasn't being read correctly. All I had to do was pop it out and pop it back in and I was good to go.


I ruined my morning session because I assumed it was the battery, and all that time I just needed to pop the card out and back in again? For real? I have to say, I was a bit relieved in knowing it wasn't my battery, but totally irritated that I didn't think to check my manual first.

Lesson learned. Check my manual. And, I guess I didn't know everything about my camera like I had thought!

So, anyways, Sunday we squeezed the session in...same location...but the weather was beautiful. You will see from the pictures that the sun was glowing through the beautiful yellow leaves, giving the pictures a warm beautiful color. Love it. It worked out.

And, all things do work out...just not always as we plan. His plan is always better, even when we may not see why. In this case, I could see why...other times, not so much...but that is okay, because I know it is all what He has planned. And, when I remember to surrender my control and let Him take the wheel...all is well!

Thanks for taking the time to read, and for always checking in! I don't know who always is reading, but I feel like here and there, I get to share a bit of myself and my fun, crazy, never dull life!

To the "E" family...THANK YOU!!!! Thanks for coming back out the next day...getting all ready again, and making it a fun time!

I love this one...
...and I am a sucker for these shots too...almost as much as I am for feet!

Miss A...almost 3! (Look how old she is getting....)

Mr. N...the big brother...and big Kindergartener!

Love these expressions!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What perfect timing on putting up the sneak peeks! I am home not feeling well and these brightened my day! You know we love you and we would have waited forever for you to do our pics! Don't be so hard on yourself! :) Once again you have captured the true essence of my family. Thank you for what you do. You capture memories to last a lifetime!
