Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Newbie #2

I have been loving the little newbie sessions recently! This little princess, P, was a snoozey little one, once she fell asleep. So precious. So tiny. So wanted to keep her and send her momma on her way! ;) Congrats, M and B...we are so happy for you, and thanks for letting me capture her littleness for you!

Hanging out in Momma's arms...

love this one...

love these little piggies...

...precious... tiny...

Caught up on sneak back to editing like a crazy lady! October is a busy, busy, busy month...and also November...but I love it!


Maggie said...

How sweet! Love the black/white.

Tara Zornow said...

These are so pretty Tara, great job!