Friday, February 22, 2008

On the Side

I officially will be sending out notice of my website and business tomorrow. Pretty excited...I LOVE it, and it is a great "side-business" for me right now. Of course, you may ask, "side of what?" That would be on the side of being a wife to the man I adore and love completely...on the side of being a Mom to the two most precious gifts ever...on the side of being their "hero" all day long...on the side of being...chef, house cleaner, launderer, diaper changer and most of all Live Entertainer!!!! I love my life...just had to say it. I love it, wouldn't change it, and have been so blessed by every bit of it. Time for bed!


jbern511 said...

I am so excited for you - and so inspired your motivation to turn your passion to a business. Your pictures (as I always have told you) are amazing, and just keep getting better. Good luck with everything! :)

Lucas Wells said...

This was written after you saw my show! :-) It's awesome to see you do this. I had no idea you were putting up a website. Well, be honored that a Broadway show liked the headshot you took of me :-). Good luck, and check out my blog too. Starting one to keep everyone updated on what's going on with me as far as auditions, etc.
love you!
