Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What we have been up to...

Okay, this is a long one folks! I won't write too much, because there are over 20, yep, 20 pictures posted!!!!

It was really cold...really, really cold outside for several days...going out was out of the question...and we needed some good, clean fun entertainment. Out came the shaving cream, polly pockets and ponies! They had fun, but had more fun rinsing the pans and polly's in the sink! I think they were completely enthralled for and hour!!!! usual...

Another activity...rice and noodles! They played forever with these...warning did get quite messy with flying noodles and dropping rice...oh well...they needed it! And yes, Cakes is in her bathing suit, and Bean is in her pj's...why get dressed in real clothes...we weren't going anywhere!

Playing in the snow with their enormous snowman was being built while Bean and Cakes ran around the yard diving in...

...well, Cakes didn't really like diving in, she just liked sitting on the porch watching the fun...may have had something to do with the 12+ inches of snow that she could barely walk through!?!?!?!?

And then we have this...a crazy warm February day...all the snow melted, and it was "warm" out...we spent about 2 hours felt great!

And on to my little muffin man...he has gained 2 pounds and grown 2 inches this past month!!! YOWSER!!!!! He also has lost all of his hair on top of his head, and is looking like an old man...much like Great Grandpa Armstrong! He is the best little baby and I love kissing his smooshy little cheeks!!!! Can't get enough...

a good shot of his receding hairline! :)

A wee bit cross eyed...still working on that focusing thing!!!!

the back of his head is still covered with hair...

smoochin' the smooshy cheeks....all day long...

The next set was taken a week ago (when he still had his hair!!!!)...I was pretending he was my newest table centerpiece...well, the light was just really good in the kitchen, and he fit perfectly on top of the table! :)

Well, that is all folks. Back to my kiddos, rest time is ovah!


Anonymous said...

Love them! Totally adorable! You are one patient lady getting out shaving cream and rice! Yikes!


B-Mama said...

T, you are so talented! Even everyday shots are incredible... How I wish we were closer so I could have you do my kiddos' portraits! We need some done soon. Hmm... Maybe we need to make a trip to Ohio just to see you!! :)

T. Armstrong said...

B-Mama...I would LOVE to have a session with your kiddos! Give me a call when you are in town...we could even through in those sweet grandparents for a few! :)